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*HATE* (Serously, what is wrong with the world?)
So ... I have been lurking around lost knights today and decided to update my avatar and sig line.
while I was doing that I got a look at the rest of my flickr files. 1/3rd of which was Kay's wardrobe. God how I loved torturing you guys. Really, I did.
So I started wandering around the net looking for the skinniest runway models I could find. Wha I ALSO found were Pro-Ana sites. *DEATH PAIN HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Lots and lots of pro anna sites. God I hate the world, humans and every one else. Seriously. I think they missed the idea of the "eating disorder support group."
For those of you who are not aware of this fast growing internet trend, these are groups of people with eating disorders who
*I HATE HATE HATE <b>HATE</b>!!!!!!*
form blogs or groups to support each other through the rough stages of their anorexia ... like when they are getting weak and actually considering that food might be good for them!!!!
*H!!A !!!!T !!!! E !!!!!! !*
Seroiusly. I AM NOT kidding. They offer tips on better ways to be bulemic, how to avoid neaading to eat or thinking about things other than hunger. *hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehate ...hate*
Oh and lest not forget new and exciteing ways to hide your extremely dangerious and potentally fatal (it is not a disease DAMNIT! It's a way of life!) from those that care about you.
<a href="" title="mirror by crimson_persephone, on Flickr"><img src=" ... e5ae_o.jpg" width="459" height="506" alt="mirror"></a>
[It is sad that there are actually people who would say that there is something wrong with the girl in that mirror. I'm not actually sure how to feel about this image. I suppose it comes down to what message was supposed to be sent. Obviously she is the better of the two, but with out the other to contrast her would so manny still se her as pretty, or just as a bit chubby?]
As much rage as that makes me express I genuinely feel nothing so much as despair right now. Perception is such a subjective thing. There is not one woman on this earth, no matter how beautiful, or how secure with her body, that could not come up with at least ten things that she would like to change about it on any given day of the week.
And lets face it, beautiful self-secure women are NOT the majority.
Guys this doesn't exclude you either. Men are rapidly filling the gender gap on this one. (Eating Disorders! There not just for Her anymore!) And hey! Who can blame them? Sex sells, and with greater awareness of a gay market, the next to nakid male phisique is a hot ticket among advertizers. A few years ago womens magizenes had photos of women in them, and, Hey!!! so did mens!! (no, not THOSE, the normal ones). Today you can't walk through the mall without seeing a ten by twelve foot spread of glisening perfect(ly photoshop'd) six-pack abs. Nothing like a bilboard to remind you of what you don't have.
When did we become so obsessed with perfection? No. Man has always been obsessed with perfection, our definitions of it just change as time passes. A better question would be when did we become obsessed with weight. In the twenties skinny was in, but I think that has more to do with the depression and the fact that even those WITH money at that time were'nt spending it gorging (mostly). They were just dealing with the realitys of their demographic.
My guess is it happened shortly after the 50's. Food started getting worse for you, meals started getting bigger, and so too, did people. Then in the 60's more preservatives were introduces, as was "the Pill." Que mini skirts and the sexual revolution. With this there were whole new, & untill now UnExposed body parts to be self-conscious of!
Don't get me wrong, I love my micro-minis, but every time I put one on I know EXACTLY what I'm showing. And even when I know I look good (to whoever is looking), <b>I</b> am vividly aware that improvements could be made.That is actually one of the subtly un-acnowlaged things about risque clothing;
There are some garments that people see and think, "wow, there is really no lying to yourself in that."
Spandex, for example. The problem with that is people so very rarely aknowlage that those are the items that will LIE to You!
Really, think of a woman with a reasonably large ass. If she were nude that feature might make her more attractive. Might be a point of intrest makeing her even more alureing, or might be cassually looked over with out much notice. But encase that thing in gld lame' hot pants and there is NO ignoreing it! If the woman is proud of that feature, great! If not, We have one very shattered ego, or at least a bit dented.
It is hard enough for people to get up and look in the mirror with out seeing all their faults, and Harder still to deall wit the daily grind of trying to improve what bugs us in proactive and positive ways (be it skin care, make up, healty diet, or the gym) without other insecure people fostering more self-hatred and trying to convince others that their sickness is a lifestyle choice, in order to feel validated.
Some people respect the "self-control" it takes to starve yourself slowly while there is food mere inches away. I know a few personally. I don't. I feel no remorse about this. Alot of people have given me shit that I am 'naturally skinny' and shouldn't talk because I have never had to worry about my weight. I say fuck them. Because this is about self image, not weight. Anyone can be insecure about ANYTHING! Myself included.
This is about the decision to obssess about those things rather than steping back occationally, and looking at them objectivly. (you might hate your nose, but it dosen't make you ugly)
As well as the decision to hurt and desparage yourself, rather than accepting you for who you are and learning to love yourself (or at least APPRECIATE YOUR GOOD QUALITYS) And if <b>at that point</b> you are still not satisfied with something about yourself, going about working on that in a healthy and constructive manner. (Which will most likely difficult and frustrating, as most things worth doing usually are.)
As well as finding Positive support when needed.
I love you guys, and I truly hope that none of you have this kind of crushing self image. We're all getting older, squishier, and grayer, it happens. It's inevatible. Despite, that all of you have more than enough positive qualitys to out-weigh that. I know. I have high standards.
K, I'm going to go be ranted-out over here now.
while I was doing that I got a look at the rest of my flickr files. 1/3rd of which was Kay's wardrobe. God how I loved torturing you guys. Really, I did.
So I started wandering around the net looking for the skinniest runway models I could find. Wha I ALSO found were Pro-Ana sites. *DEATH PAIN HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Lots and lots of pro anna sites. God I hate the world, humans and every one else. Seriously. I think they missed the idea of the "eating disorder support group."
For those of you who are not aware of this fast growing internet trend, these are groups of people with eating disorders who
*I HATE HATE HATE <b>HATE</b>!!!!!!*
form blogs or groups to support each other through the rough stages of their anorexia ... like when they are getting weak and actually considering that food might be good for them!!!!
*H!!A !!!!T !!!! E !!!!!! !*
Seroiusly. I AM NOT kidding. They offer tips on better ways to be bulemic, how to avoid neaading to eat or thinking about things other than hunger. *hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehate ...hate*
Oh and lest not forget new and exciteing ways to hide your extremely dangerious and potentally fatal (it is not a disease DAMNIT! It's a way of life!) from those that care about you.
<a href="" title="mirror by crimson_persephone, on Flickr"><img src=" ... e5ae_o.jpg" width="459" height="506" alt="mirror"></a>
[It is sad that there are actually people who would say that there is something wrong with the girl in that mirror. I'm not actually sure how to feel about this image. I suppose it comes down to what message was supposed to be sent. Obviously she is the better of the two, but with out the other to contrast her would so manny still se her as pretty, or just as a bit chubby?]
As much rage as that makes me express I genuinely feel nothing so much as despair right now. Perception is such a subjective thing. There is not one woman on this earth, no matter how beautiful, or how secure with her body, that could not come up with at least ten things that she would like to change about it on any given day of the week.
And lets face it, beautiful self-secure women are NOT the majority.
Guys this doesn't exclude you either. Men are rapidly filling the gender gap on this one. (Eating Disorders! There not just for Her anymore!) And hey! Who can blame them? Sex sells, and with greater awareness of a gay market, the next to nakid male phisique is a hot ticket among advertizers. A few years ago womens magizenes had photos of women in them, and, Hey!!! so did mens!! (no, not THOSE, the normal ones). Today you can't walk through the mall without seeing a ten by twelve foot spread of glisening perfect(ly photoshop'd) six-pack abs. Nothing like a bilboard to remind you of what you don't have.
When did we become so obsessed with perfection? No. Man has always been obsessed with perfection, our definitions of it just change as time passes. A better question would be when did we become obsessed with weight. In the twenties skinny was in, but I think that has more to do with the depression and the fact that even those WITH money at that time were'nt spending it gorging (mostly). They were just dealing with the realitys of their demographic.
My guess is it happened shortly after the 50's. Food started getting worse for you, meals started getting bigger, and so too, did people. Then in the 60's more preservatives were introduces, as was "the Pill." Que mini skirts and the sexual revolution. With this there were whole new, & untill now UnExposed body parts to be self-conscious of!
Don't get me wrong, I love my micro-minis, but every time I put one on I know EXACTLY what I'm showing. And even when I know I look good (to whoever is looking), <b>I</b> am vividly aware that improvements could be made.That is actually one of the subtly un-acnowlaged things about risque clothing;
There are some garments that people see and think, "wow, there is really no lying to yourself in that."
Spandex, for example. The problem with that is people so very rarely aknowlage that those are the items that will LIE to You!
Really, think of a woman with a reasonably large ass. If she were nude that feature might make her more attractive. Might be a point of intrest makeing her even more alureing, or might be cassually looked over with out much notice. But encase that thing in gld lame' hot pants and there is NO ignoreing it! If the woman is proud of that feature, great! If not, We have one very shattered ego, or at least a bit dented.
It is hard enough for people to get up and look in the mirror with out seeing all their faults, and Harder still to deall wit the daily grind of trying to improve what bugs us in proactive and positive ways (be it skin care, make up, healty diet, or the gym) without other insecure people fostering more self-hatred and trying to convince others that their sickness is a lifestyle choice, in order to feel validated.
Some people respect the "self-control" it takes to starve yourself slowly while there is food mere inches away. I know a few personally. I don't. I feel no remorse about this. Alot of people have given me shit that I am 'naturally skinny' and shouldn't talk because I have never had to worry about my weight. I say fuck them. Because this is about self image, not weight. Anyone can be insecure about ANYTHING! Myself included.
This is about the decision to obssess about those things rather than steping back occationally, and looking at them objectivly. (you might hate your nose, but it dosen't make you ugly)
As well as the decision to hurt and desparage yourself, rather than accepting you for who you are and learning to love yourself (or at least APPRECIATE YOUR GOOD QUALITYS) And if <b>at that point</b> you are still not satisfied with something about yourself, going about working on that in a healthy and constructive manner. (Which will most likely difficult and frustrating, as most things worth doing usually are.)
As well as finding Positive support when needed.
I love you guys, and I truly hope that none of you have this kind of crushing self image. We're all getting older, squishier, and grayer, it happens. It's inevatible. Despite, that all of you have more than enough positive qualitys to out-weigh that. I know. I have high standards.
K, I'm going to go be ranted-out over here now.
Temple pointed out a while back I'm going bald. My hair is thinning in the middle. I think it's funny. also, I have more and more grey spots. I'll be bald like Jean Luc is bald. Love it.
Only things I'd magically change about myself are like, health related. Ya know, to stop going blind. I had a good physique last summer and I'll have one again this summer. I used to be pretty insecure, but I got over it. I'm aware of how my eating and excercise habis effect my look and health.
But you know, us naturally skinny people gotta stick together...
Only things I'd magically change about myself are like, health related. Ya know, to stop going blind. I had a good physique last summer and I'll have one again this summer. I used to be pretty insecure, but I got over it. I'm aware of how my eating and excercise habis effect my look and health.
But you know, us naturally skinny people gotta stick together...
<a href="" title="Leather Picard by crimson_persephone, on Flickr"><img src=" ... dfdce9.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="Leather Picard"></a>
Mmmm ... Hot.
Mmmm ... Hot.
Don't worry since Thael and I are paving the way into old age you can just remember that whatever stage of aging you are at, he and I have passed it and are into a new more exciting one...of course that doesn't help with the whole menopause thing but we do get the joy of impotence and prostate enlargement. Yay middle-age!!!
Speak for yourself you old geezer
That which is not dead can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.