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Peter Jackson vs George Lucas
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:14 am
by Liquidprism
Since we have several threads devoted to the same few universes, I decided it might be a good idea to pair off a couple of the artistic minds behind some the worst of the stories and characters, in those fantasy settings (or interpretations thereof, I'm lookin at you Pete).
Who wins, based on sheer sucktatood.
The material:
StarWars, without the surprising large body of decent material by well...anyone else (and lets not forget his opinons on female writers, or his complete lack of understanding physics...lightsabers are heavy because the energy is moving so fast)
Lord of the Rings trilogy, like the books or even close? (don't forget the 'Golem's rambling again' montage's...yes thats plural, and Aragorn's pointless near death experience)
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:40 pm
by rydi
what are his opinions on female writers out of curiosity? and you forgot about jackson's king kong, otherwise known as Hours of My Life I'll Never Get Back (HoMLINGB for short).
jackson would beat lucas to death with a club, or perhaps a flail (braveheart style) if he could get close enough. unfortunately, between lucas' bodygaurds and vast influence, j won't even make it to hollywood to fight him, despite the horror that is star wars 17, return of the vengeful ewoks. lucas will destroy his industry cred, and then, as he approaches, the bodygaurds will kick the bum off the lot.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:27 pm
by Liquidprism
Yes, but the contest is one of 'suckage'...whoever sucks more, wins.
This is based totally on their interviews and body of work.
And Mr. Lucas in all his glory, has said several tmes that he prefers it when men work on his stories, instead of women. He accuses them of being substandard idealists, but perhaps he's just old fashioned. That makes it okay, right.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:19 am
by rydi
if it is just pure suck, then lucas takes it, hands down.
jackson at least had some good stuff in LotR. more than the last three star wars movies most definitely.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:53 am
by Rusty
I know you established the fight based on star wars suck vs lord of the rings suck, but there is a very important film that, despite the rules, cannot be ignored, and absolutely beyond any doubt declares the most suckiest of the two, the absolute winner of who sucks more. Ladies and Gentlemen of the forums, I give you:
Howard the Duck.
This may be one of the worst films ever made, it is george lucas at his worst, and it's very, very bad. I could extoll it's awfulness into infinity, but won't.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:54 pm
by Liquidprism
Yeah, but then we would have to include Indiana Jones, and despite the stupidity that was the last movie, the other three were actually pretty cool, with number three blowing the others out of the water. I mean come on Sean Connory and Harrison Ford, talk about chemistry.
Its safe to say they cancel out Howard the Duck.
Really, I think it should come down to their greatest projects, and the resulting opinions (espoused by them) thereof.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:07 pm
by Rusty