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Batman: Gotham Knight
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:36 am
by durden
This is the best Batman move since Mask of the Phantasm. The anime look only makes good stories great, as it emphasizes the feel of each theme. This project was done in a similar way to the Animatrix, but it worked and each story connects to the next.
The first story features three skater kids relating stories of their encounters with Bats, Each imagines him as something different - a smoke creature, a man-bat, and a mecha-bot. Each represents the sides of Batman as a supernatural force, physical specimen, and gadget man. There is a story about how he learned to deal with pain. Good stuff. Kevin Conroy even does the voice again. Best Batman since the animated series. Hope the movie is a fraction as good.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:40 am
by rydi
it is in the netflix. i look forward to watching it.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:58 am
by durden
I read there was a preview for the Wonder Woman animated film, but I mailed mine back already. So far, the animated movies are good. JLA Hidden Frontier was nifty. Oh wait, but Doomsday sucked ass.
How perfect is my sig?
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:03 am
by rydi
i really hope ww movie will be good. wheadon seemed to think poorly of it, which worries me. not sure on an animated version. we really need some female supers that don't suck. she hulk could easily make an appearance in hulk three if they do it though. and if they do it as well as hulk 2, it will be awesome. just avoid jennifer garner.
and hopefully it is super perfect. or is that unfortunate? confused?
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:25 am
by durden
Wheadon was annoyed with the people trying to butt in and not let him make his movie. I can't imagine the movie being good. She is a wierd character on her own. They should just skip ahead to the JLA movie.
Hulk did okay in the box office, but didn't get the debut the first one received. I think it's sales since have been beeter though, where the first saw a huge drop the second week. I understand it didn't cost them too much to make this one and plans remain to make the next four Marvel movies.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:39 am
by rydi
what are the next four movies anyway?
and hulk did poorly b/c of the first one being soooooooooo
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo shitty. it is doing better longer on the second one b/c it was surprisingly good. well, not surprising to me, cuz i said should have done it all along. but to everyone else.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:42 am
by durden
Well, more than four.
Punisher: War Zone December 5, 2008
X-Men Origins: Wolverine May 1, 2009
Iron Man 2 April 30, 2010
Thor June 4, 2010
Captain America May 6, 2011
Spider-Man 4 May 20, 2011
The Avengers
Silver Surfer (can't find date but promises to feature Galactus in all his glory)
Magneto (maybe just rumored)
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:46 am
by durden
Oh, add these (which are all "in development")
Luke Cage
Dr Strange
Nick Fury
Black Panther
Ant Man
Cloak and Dagger
Daredevil 2
Deathlock (already ripped-off as Robocop)
Ghost Rider 2
Iron Fist
Master of Kung Fu
Animated Films:
Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow September 2, 2008
Hulk Vs. January 2009
Thor: Son of Asgard September 2010
Planet Hulk February 2010
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:49 am
by rydi
oh gawd, not spiderman again...
and 2011 until cap? damn. thats at least 3 years till avengers, assuming they do it right on the coat tails of cap. long ass time.
i worry about thor. unless they do it gritty, epic, and magical all at the same time, it will suck. they need to do stuff in the mythic dark ages mostly. or at least have major flashbacks.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:36 am
by Liquidprism
They could do hippie anti-establishment Ultimates Thor. I kind of liked that version myself. Besides, they seem to be taking alot of their material from the Ultimates 'verse anyway, so this seems to me the most likely version.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:52 am
by Rusty
this thread needs my avatar in it.
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:05 am
by Liquidprism
Every thread needs your avatar in it.