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Haven't found an introduction thread ...
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 2:32 am
by Garth
therefore i make my own
I just wanted to say hello to all rpg-friends here.
I am 30 years old, having played rpg for about 10 Years. I started with RoleMaster (yeah, a tough one) and changed my mind in favor of WoD later on. oWod has been my favorite RPG for most of the time until it got mechanically outclassed by nWoD but i still enjoy the atmosphere of the old system.
Nevertheless RPG plays a minor role in my life vastly overshadowed by other interests like sports and programming and playing the guitar (alone and in a band).
I found this forum by reading a thread in the whitewolf forum and am now eager to try out playing by post. I am completely new to this (and not speaking (writing resp.) english natively) so don't be too harsh
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:39 am
by arete
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:41 am
by rydi
oh. i did post over there didn't i...
well, hi, nice to meet you. we have a few games-by-post going right now.
we have a dark ages game that is just getting started up (via the old system rules), we have an x-files type game in the process of starting up (using the nwod system for mortals, and starting whenever that game's gm gets done recovering from his recent med school exams), and very soon we will have some action on our Knights chronicle (a larp that plays in the summer and intermittently throughout the rest of the year, that will be taken online as well; we already have several online only players signed up, so there will be some action there. it is recently converted to nwod from owod).
and then we have a few other games we are working on. so. welcome to our humble boards, and we are always glad to have new people.
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:47 am
by durden
Cheyne would take credit...
Anywho, we are happy to have international attention! We look forward to hearing from you in and out of character. As mentioned, we are a gamin group located in Oklahoma. We are picking up a few newbies here and there. Well, you are the second I think. What happened to Omar? Are he and Gideon dead on that island??
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:25 am
by Garth
Here in Aachen are three to four groups I attent to sometimes. One is playing 'DSA', the other 'Zombie - all the flesh must be eaten' and one is my Vampire-group I love so much

The fourth is inactive at the moment but uses a lot of different systems, depends on their mood. It ranges from Pirates (D20) over Lord of the Rings (Coda-System) to Demon-the fallen.
You see, here you can play each single day in the week if you want to do so.
By the way these groups consist of 12 people ... maybe germany is a roleplaying-nerd-country

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 2:31 pm
by rydi
wow. maybe i need to move to germany... but then no one would like me because i don't speak the language. and because of george bush. that too.
is 'all flesh must be eaten' a good game?
12 person groups are pretty big, how do you get thing done? I try to keep things limited to 6 in most tabletop games, though I don't put any caps on larps or online stuff; we have about 30 people for larp and online we have... whoever can fight through their laziness long enough to post.
anyway. look forward to further interaction.
and yes, omar and gideon are alive... i think. probably just trying to relax after their last round of testing. mine just got done. now for grad school applications.
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:34 pm
by Avilister
Welcome to our humble home on the internets.
If you'd like to see some sort of feature or whatnot that we don't have yet, feel free to suggest one. I'm more or less running the joint and I try to add in things when I know how (I'm only marginally competent at webpage design and dynamic webpage coding, so I've turned down a few things on the basis that 'Geez, I don't know how to do that'). So far its just these forums an a
wiki. But heck, whatever. We can get more. We've certainly got the bandwidth and the storage for it.
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 7:32 pm
by durden
I want to play All Flesh Must Be Eaten. I might look into it. We are looking at playing a Wild West Horror game, maybe pased on Cheyne's d4 system. Or Gurps. Or nWoD. I just want to kill zombies.
Steven, I want the Wiki to work so bad I think I will begin researching. It would be a really handy way to help you guys keep track of NPCs, story events, and locations in the DA game.
I just won an argument that Cucumbers are fruit...
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:58 pm
by Avilister
It works fine, you're just doing it wrong :P
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:59 pm
by durden
Lol. No doubt. I want the infoboxes to work.
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 12:45 am
by Garth
Oh - yeah - my problems with english.
The groups themselves vary from 3 to 5 players (without ST). All groups taken together have 12 different people. 12 players in one group would be a complete mess, I could imagine.
'All the flesh must be eaten' is a nice game. Needless to say that the objective is to describe classical horror settings like in '28 days later' where hordes of zombies may roam the streets. But in the book (we must'nt read - ST-arbitration) some different scenarios are given. The strangest is a plot where a couple of people have found out that the can control zombies with their mind and the whole world begins to be a battleground for power of these zombie-overlords ... this is a kind of 'political zombis' - almost too ridiculous to play

But for short-term games it is cool and it made a lot of fun .. that much fun that we kept cultivating our body count

The rules are simple and easy to use so that you don't get lost in it. It is worth a try!
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 7:37 am
by durden
This is the point where someone expresses interest in maybe someday looking into running such a game, then the rest of us run out and make characters.
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 10:38 am
by rydi
i already made one, but then it decayed into a useless pile of goo. just like all the other ones.