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Character Progression Thread
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:15 pm
by Amseriah
It was mentioned last night that we should list what we are going to have our characters working toward.
Magic-wise, I just bought Space 4 and am next going to be working on Mind 3. After that Time 3+, Space 5, Life to 3 (at 0 now)
Non-magical progression: Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, aikido, iaido (iaijutsu), socialize, status, adamantine hand, grappling, the wakizashi to complete my daisho (whether this is a separate relic or not, don't know.), breaking the "curse" of the katana.
Re: Character Progression Thread
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:25 pm
by Avilister
Magic: Current: Fate 4, Mind 3, Time 1; Next: Time 2, Mind 4, Time 3, Prime 1, Fate 5, Prime 2
Non-magic: Striking Looks (lower tier), Expression, Presence, Manipulation, some sort of supernatural Status, Socialize, Persuade, Crafts, Streetwise. Might not hurt to get a dot or two of Firearms or something so that there's something to drop Fate buffs on to be marginally effective in combat.
Re: Character Progression Thread
Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:31 am
by rydi
I really didn't use much of the boards since we got the new interface... is strange and unfamiliar to me.
Anyway, for magic I mostly plan on upping my Forces, getting my attainment sphere (mind?) at 3, and fleshing out the utility spheres at the 1-3 dot range. I want life 1-2 to represent some of my holistic and homeopathic healing methods. I want time 2 because hanging spells is awesome. But really, who has xp for all that? So probably just Forces/Mind for the time being. I'm not sure what my current spread is, but I think it is Forces 4, Prime 4, Mind 2, Spirit 1, Fate 1.
For my non-magic stuff (in no particular order):
Intelligence: Danny has gotten more experienced, insightful, and reflective since we started, and this should go to three
Composure: Always played a moderately high composure, but I think an increase could be justified... not as appropriate as higher Int though
Animal Ken (and Survival if I don't have a dot already): too much werewolf time, and now training pets
Socialize: Danny is a nice guy, he knows everyone, and they just tell him things.
Fighting Styles: Aikido, Kung Fu, and maybe Adamantine Hand someday.
Mentor: I had dots in this at one point, enough that my mentor even did stuff in the story. Dunno where they went. Meh.