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As for Exalted, I've only really gotten two "Yes I definately want to play" votes and Cheyne's "meh, make me a character" vote. Also, my inherent lack of creativity has left me floundering somewhat for a plot. I may look into some of the suppliment books that they issued for a few locations for story stuff. Exalted is also one of those things that generally works better in person; I'd rather not run it on the boards, at least until more people are more familiar with it.
Exalted - Steven's thang
(I am game for this)
Feng Shui - Attack of the 80's (like Legends, but with strictly 80's characters: Shirt Tales as transformed animals)
(I am game for this)
A Beer & Pretzel Engine game (Ninja Burger, Kobold Ate my Baby, etc)
(I am up for learning this)
Mutants & Masterminds (superhero game that I'm told has a good system)
(I am up for learning this)
Mage: The Gamechhrishasneverplayed
(I am game for this)
Werewolf: The Wild West
(I am game for this)
(I am sooo up for a comedy/parody type game)
Promethean: The Created
(there are some problems with this see below)
All Flesh Must Be Eaten Books (!!!)
(I am up for learning this)
The only one I have any reservations about is Promethian... I want to play since I was going to try and play one for final knights/summer game... problem is they have an aura that affects sleepers/normals as fast as 24hrs and the higher their supernatural trait the bigger the area (up to city wide and more) they affect... and the react by hating you irrationally or blaming you for unrelated things kinda like the salem witch trials... which is funny because they give the example of the torch and pitchfork mobs after frankenstein (a progenitor of one of the promethian lines)... so you cant have a static location except as one stop among many that you cycle through like a bus line....
(I am game for this)
Feng Shui - Attack of the 80's (like Legends, but with strictly 80's characters: Shirt Tales as transformed animals)
(I am game for this)
A Beer & Pretzel Engine game (Ninja Burger, Kobold Ate my Baby, etc)
(I am up for learning this)
Mutants & Masterminds (superhero game that I'm told has a good system)
(I am up for learning this)
Mage: The Gamechhrishasneverplayed
(I am game for this)
Werewolf: The Wild West
(I am game for this)
(I am sooo up for a comedy/parody type game)
Promethean: The Created
(there are some problems with this see below)
All Flesh Must Be Eaten Books (!!!)
(I am up for learning this)
The only one I have any reservations about is Promethian... I want to play since I was going to try and play one for final knights/summer game... problem is they have an aura that affects sleepers/normals as fast as 24hrs and the higher their supernatural trait the bigger the area (up to city wide and more) they affect... and the react by hating you irrationally or blaming you for unrelated things kinda like the salem witch trials... which is funny because they give the example of the torch and pitchfork mobs after frankenstein (a progenitor of one of the promethian lines)... so you cant have a static location except as one stop among many that you cycle through like a bus line....
That which is not dead can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.

well I have not read anything but the base exalted book but it seems that you could use any high fantasy/comic/anime story and make adjustments and be good...
I however found that what little spark of a plot idea I had was not as original as I had hoped... I was reading a campaign for ideas on where to go after the first "scenario" and found I was close to the campaign I was looking at for the first time... so either I somehow mimicked someone else or was influenced at some point in the past and am just regurgitating it... either way I am going to tailor my existing story to dovetail into the campaign so I have to work less...
I however found that what little spark of a plot idea I had was not as original as I had hoped... I was reading a campaign for ideas on where to go after the first "scenario" and found I was close to the campaign I was looking at for the first time... so either I somehow mimicked someone else or was influenced at some point in the past and am just regurgitating it... either way I am going to tailor my existing story to dovetail into the campaign so I have to work less...
That which is not dead can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.

I guess another good question in regards to Exalted, keeping in mind that I'd like to run in person, if possible (at least at first) is 'when would be a good time to play?'. I am well aware that coordinating the times of several adults is a mean feat; Saturdays are already occupied (at least nights, and I need sleep too badly to be able to do early, really). Would some other day of the week be better? Note that I work a 9-6 shift, which means that, at the latest, I need to be heading home around midnight.
One of the other things about Exalted is that there is some reading that needs to be done by the players. Notably the first chapter of the Core book, which pretty much lays out the world, the major geography, what Exalts are, and establishes a baseline for common knowledge.
Sure, you may have been some peasent from a backwater nowhere. You still know what an Exalt is - everyone but the most sheltered individuals does. They may only be legends, or something that happens 'off in the city' but you're still aware of them. You know about the Scarlet Empire, even if you're not familiar with the inner workings. You know about the Great Contageon, because your ancestors were some of its only surviors (it killed about 90% of the population around a thousand years ago). You probably know a few things about elementals and small gods. You may have even run into one once (or daily, depending on where you live). You might even know some basic thaumaturgy, esspecially if you're the local alchemist or villiage wise-woman or something.
Thus, the first chapter really does need to be read, just to give you an idea of where you are and what you're doing. Characters are larger than life, so even if you are a peasent, you need to have some sort of larger goal or motivation in life. Do you want to overthrow the opporessive regime that has been taxing your village into poverty? Do you want to protect your hamlet from the roving barbarian bands that occationally sweep by to burn your crops and rape your women? Do you just want to have a big ol' adventure? Creation is huge (I need to find my comparison at some point) - at least the size of earth, and probably larger and with considerably more land area. There is a ton to do and as an Exalt, you get to be one of its most major movers and shakers.
I know I'm hyping it up again, but really, Exalted is awesome.
One of the other things about Exalted is that there is some reading that needs to be done by the players. Notably the first chapter of the Core book, which pretty much lays out the world, the major geography, what Exalts are, and establishes a baseline for common knowledge.
Sure, you may have been some peasent from a backwater nowhere. You still know what an Exalt is - everyone but the most sheltered individuals does. They may only be legends, or something that happens 'off in the city' but you're still aware of them. You know about the Scarlet Empire, even if you're not familiar with the inner workings. You know about the Great Contageon, because your ancestors were some of its only surviors (it killed about 90% of the population around a thousand years ago). You probably know a few things about elementals and small gods. You may have even run into one once (or daily, depending on where you live). You might even know some basic thaumaturgy, esspecially if you're the local alchemist or villiage wise-woman or something.
Thus, the first chapter really does need to be read, just to give you an idea of where you are and what you're doing. Characters are larger than life, so even if you are a peasent, you need to have some sort of larger goal or motivation in life. Do you want to overthrow the opporessive regime that has been taxing your village into poverty? Do you want to protect your hamlet from the roving barbarian bands that occationally sweep by to burn your crops and rape your women? Do you just want to have a big ol' adventure? Creation is huge (I need to find my comparison at some point) - at least the size of earth, and probably larger and with considerably more land area. There is a ton to do and as an Exalt, you get to be one of its most major movers and shakers.
I know I'm hyping it up again, but really, Exalted is awesome.
well sometime sunday afternoon could work but I know cheyne is out on that since he has family obligations... and in summers past friday night was used for other games... and while I was at Cox it really affected my work attendance but that was my choice (but taking calls in my sleep was funny)... but I don't have that issue this time and likely wont for the forseeable future which is good.. but knowing your days off would help too since days you do not work mean (typically) that a person can stay out later the night before..
That which is not dead can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.

I believe both myself and chris both posted that using the d4 system could/would be fun and we will blame harness for any faults... sound familiar??
That which is not dead can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.
My Color is Blue
I value Knowledge, logic, and deceit. I love to pursue wisdom but also to manipulate and deceive. At my best, I am brilliant and progressive. At my worst, I am treacherous and cold. My symbol is a water droplet. My enemies are green and red.

I skimmed over the first couple of chapters of the Exalted book. The character i make would be a commoner wanting to lead all the people into a utopia of sorts. His identity would not be common knowledge as he always wears large armor and a full helmet. He uses a title as his name (not sure what title) and none know his true name.
I may make a character tonight, but i am lazy so probably not. Of course anytime is a good time for me to play until i get a job.
I may make a character tonight, but i am lazy so probably not. Of course anytime is a good time for me to play until i get a job.