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Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:23 pm
by Avilister
durden wrote:I'll play Exalted. Is there any math involved?
Just counting how many d10s you're rolling. Its probably at least 20 if you're doing it right.
Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:18 am
by Thael
I will let you pick either your mutation or your secret society... I pick the other... don't forget
Mutations are a sign of tampering with cloning and therefore Treason
Secret Societies subvert the will of the Computer and are therefore Treason
Treason is punishable by Death
and Remember the Computer is your Friend

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 9:56 pm
by durden
Ok Cheyne. Like I said, I think either a Resident Evil game or Wild West Horror game would be fun. The graphic novel, Dead West is what I'm imagining. Zombies and cowboys. No overdone setup or sillyness. Just the West and zombies. Good times.
Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:46 pm
by rydi
west and horror it is. deadlands, without the shit system.
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:58 am
by durden
I wanna be a shaolin cowboy. There is a 3ed book called Old West. Might offer something. Lots of creature books in 4ed. We need a quick-draw cowboy, indian shaman, and reluctant werewolf hero.
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:11 am
by Thael
is there going to be any arcane?? the whole bargaining with spirits to get them to do magic for you thing?? also will it be accuate to the Deadlands world, as in the history (extended civil war, etc)?
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:29 am
by durden
I think Indians should have that option. No stupid white men though. Stupid white men...
Oh oh. Be a Frenchman that has "gone native." He is apprenticed to the local shaman. The whole coureurs du bois thing. Have a cheesy mustach and fireballs. Good stuff. I might change my character...
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:40 am
by Thael
well I was intending to recreate my favorite Deadlands character, Patch. He was a Texas Ranger Hexslinger... had spells like "Loaded for Bear" to up his damage on his gun and one that created phantom bullets in case he ran out of real ammo (they worked like normal but faded after they hit) and stuff like that.. best part was my friend Dana was playing a Pinkerton.. stupid city-slicker green horn... worthless in a fight I tell 'ya, worthless... accch' pthoo... *ding*...
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:24 pm
by rydi
not sure on the alternate history yet.
shaolin cowboy fine. how did you get from the railroads to the wide open plains?
magic can be fine, but w/subtle effects and needs good storyline.
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:56 pm
by rydi
ok. the feel will be gritty wild west with zombies. the powers, if people have them, will be more like LoEG stuff. a single schtick, charm, or knack that makes u... different.
what dice system? do people want dice? do they want to know their roles? what sytem for character creation?
deadlands is obvious, but the use of cards, paired with lameness of the rules, makes it not a favored choice.
gurps is ok, but i'll have to learn the gming rules.
nwod is very, very, very simple, and it has pretty good rules, is now almost as adaptable as gurps for non-scifi.
d6 is also good/easy, but requires new system.
feng shui is good, but has a few probs as far as power lvl creep and is a bit over the top for my gritty zombie western.
d20 is going to hell.
jovian/dreampod9 is a nice system, but a bit attribute heavy.
harp is a good system, and I like percentile very well.
make something up we always could also.
Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:52 pm
by durden
First, I like the idea of making a new system. Not necessarily for this game, but maybe. We could always set up a thread in which we purpose and test out rules for our own system. Then sell it, making tens of dollars!
Ok, I thought about oWoD because of the Werewolf Wild West stuff. But if we are moving away from the old (though my DA game will celebrate it in all its confusing glory), then maybe nWod is the way to go. GURPS seems cool, since we are all currently learning it and the character creation was fun. I vote GURPS.
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:10 am
by Thael
Gurps would be fine and would allow anyone to make what they wanted since you say X skill is used for X situations... so things like cattle russlin' and claim jumpn' can have a representation of how good you are at that...
nWoD I see that the basic book could easily allow that era since the only thing that matters is equipment... dont know how the non-mundane abilities will be handled (vision questing, miracles, etc) will be hammered out though... could make the big baddie summoning the zombies with MtA book since it has the spell for making them (and ghosts, etc)...
I liked Deadlands alot but what really drew me was the "extra" added in to the Wild west to make it the Weird west... hucksters, hexslingers, miracle workers, shamans... all combined to make the drudgery of the wild west bearable as a backdrop instead of the focus... I also enjoyed the system but its method would be virtually impossible to run on here (much like Marvel)... but the various things that could be done I think should be kept if possible...
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:59 pm
by rydi
ok. we are between:
Feng Shui
oh. we can also play d4 if you guys want... i'll have to pull out my notes though. that would be fun. and it is a generic setup too, so the skills/atts work for everything. and then i could work on perfecting my system...
i leave it to you guys. vote.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:31 am
by Guardiankrillin
If I were to join in I would say NWOD
but I have alot of games to worry about already
More games
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:53 am
by durden
Other games to play?
What are some games that others may be interested in playing? What about the following:
- Exalted - Steven's thang
Feng Shui - Attack of the 80's (like Legends, but with strictly 80's characters: Shirt Tales as transformed animals)
A Beer & Pretzel Engine game (Ninja Burger, Kobold Ate my Baby, etc)
Mutants & Masterminds (superhero game that I'm told has a good system)
Mage: The Gamechhrishasneverplayed
Werewolf: The Wild West
Promethean: The Created
All Flesh Must Be Eaten Books (!!!)
Any other ideas?