Exalted: FoB - Administration of the Wonderfalls Government
Following is a list of the various departments and programs instituted by the Anathema of Grayfalls, as well as where they spend most of their time.
(assuming no objections, these are everyone’s day jobs)
Avilister: the WU Board (president), COME (chief designer)
Nellens Rombulac: BALANCE (head administrator)
Cathak Kitono: SWORD (second in command), Trade Board (head of Realm trade department)
Shisa Whitenight: WU Board (public schools committee head), BALANCE (Medical Department and Disasters Department Co-Coordinator)
Darkstar: BALANCE (Oversight Department), TEMPLE (Assistant Coordinator)
Zack: (pending information, likely TEMPLE and WU Board affiliated)
Sa’Rel: (pending information, likely Medical, Diplomacy, Disaster, or WU Board)
Zal’Es: BALANCE (Diplomacy Department Head, and likely involved with Oversight and Coordination), SWORD (Advisor)
Wren: SWORD (Head of naval defense)
Khyler: COME (beast of burden), BALANCE (Diplomacy Department advisor on the wyld, the Silverpact, and Wyld barbarians)
EPR: CULD (Administrator of Binding Day), BALANCE (Diplomacy Department PR advisor), TEMPLE (Assistant Coordinator)
Clicky: SWORD (Head Administrator/General), CULD (head of Fair Folk Friendship Department)
Jade: WU Board (Advisor on Crafts), (need skill set and I will fill this in further)
Republic’s ROADS (Repair Operation And Defense Services)This project is dedicated to the creation, maintenance, and defense of a comprehensive overland transit system consisting of well-paved roads, way stations, a highway patrol, regular trade caravans, and regular civilian transportation between cities.
v The program is paid for via taxation on traffic at the way stations, which also provide safe camp grounds for travelers (not a hotel, but still safer than the open road, especially with loyal higway patrolment present).
v Construction and maintenance are to be accomplished via the effort of paid craftsmen supported by criminal work gangs managed by the CULD staff, sorcerous/necromantic automatons, and the mindless husks resulting from the fair folk portion of the CULD program. Planning is the responsibility of COME.
v The police force is maintained by taking bandits and other criminals and pressing them into binding oaths to the service of the law and the highway patrol. The standard oath involves: obedience to the law, obedience and non-violence toward the anathema rulers of the Wonderfalls Republic, and permanent service to the highway patrol until released from duty (though such release does not negate the oath).
CULD (Criminal Usefulness Leadership Directorate)
This project provides the infrastructure by which criminals are assigned to useful duties. The management staff is paid for by the general tax dollars of the Republic, and the staff is pulled from talented bureaucrats and white-collar criminals bound in oaths similar to those affecting the highway patrol. The linchpins of the program include:
v Work gangs and community service teams taken from the ranks of those criminals who commit minor to moderate crimes.
v Fair Folk Friendship department responsible for delivering irredeemable offenders to the Fair Folk for recycling into Mindless Labor Teams.
v Binding Day, a minor Republic holiday, occurring at the end of each season, in which law abiding citizens may celebrate their safety and social cohesion. On this day, at the height of festivities, an anathema of either the Moonshadow or Eclipse caste officiates in a ceremony binding all criminals to service.
v CULD Management department, which keeps track of former criminals, organizes them, and ensures that recidivism remains low.
TEMPLE (Temple Education, Maintenance, & Prayer Logistics Establishment)
This department, paid for by trade taxes, is responsible for building, staffing, and maintaining the temples of the 1000 Gods of the Hundred Kingdoms (1KGHK). The staff is pulled from the most devout citizens, and all priests are bound by oaths to never abuse the trust placed in them as priests, and to work for the will of the anathema rulers of the Wonderfalls Republic. The tenets of the program include:
v Fostering faith in the 1KGHK, and encouraging devoted prayer by reminding citizens that by providing for the gods, the gods in turn provide prosperity for the land and its people.
v Organizing prayer fairly and equitably with all gods, and adjusting for newly incorporated gods, ensuring that all gods receive regular prayer, and organizing rolls of the gods and exalted being worshiped in such a manner that mortals can easily define to whom they should pray for a given need. Of note, priority within a given city is always different, based on the needs of the city and the gods present within it.
v Maintaining temple grounds, amusement parks, and stages.
v Oath of office sworn quarterly on Binding Day for new TEMPLE staff.
COME (Construction Organization Management Establishment)
This department, paid for by Republic taxes and trade taxes, is responsible for planning and managing new construction projects for the Republic. They organize skilled workers, manage building crews, process and implement orders made by the legislative and executive branches, design architectural plans, and coordinate construction projects. Some of the important projects managed by this department are:
v The building and large scale maintenance of roads.
v The construction of temples and their associated entertainments, shopping malls, parks, and theatres.
v The adaptation of cities to their environments (anti-mold paint in greyfalls, etc).
v The realization of social enrichment projects mandated by the WU Board, in coordination with the WU student body.
v Construction of dams, bridges, wells, bathhouses, and other important public centers.
WU Board
These are the managers of the Wonderfalls University. They run not only the school bureaucracy, but also interface with the community in multiple ways:
v Encouraging craftsmen and artisans in their trades and providing a network for them to find new customers and to find work from the government.
v Oversight of large scale art projects for the enrichment of the Republic.
v Management of students, and maintaining internship programs that enrich students’ educations while also donating to the public good.
v Management of all sorcerous elements of government projects.
v Administration of the public school system.
Trade Board
Split into two departments, one dealing with Realm trade and managed by house Cathak?, and the other dealing with non-Realm trade and managed by Wonderfalls bureaucrats (with key individuals bound by oaths on Binding Day), the Trade Board oversees all trade in the Republic, and ensures proper taxation rates, efficiency, and honesty.
BALANCE (Bureau of Accounting, Logistics, Administration, Normalization, Censure, and Elucidation)
Responsible for EVERYTHING ELSE, this organization is really a host of other organizations, such as the police force, tax collection agency, accounting department, oversight committee, and the office of coordination which ensures smooth work between the other boards and departments. The department is headed by house Nellens, which earns a sizable portion of proceeds procured from Republic cultural establishments such as the WU and the Temple-Parks, and a privileged position for trade within the city and for trade of art and specialty goods manufactured in the Republic. Aside from house Nellens, bureaucrats are also drawn from the local populace and white-collar criminal population and bound to honesty, accountability, dedication to the Republic, and serving the interests of the Anathema leaders of the Republic. Important divisions include:
v Oversight: responsible for monitoring the state of the Republic, and preventing corruption; reports directly to the government and to the Anathema.
v Accounting: balances the Republic budget, and reports to the government and the Anathema.
v Taxation: ensures proper taxation of Republic goods and income at a citizen and corporate level.
v Agriculture: promotes efficient agricultural processes (often in coordination with TEMPLE and the WU Board), maintains grain silos, stocks of food and water, and purchases food from outside the Republic when necessary
v Police: enforces the laws of the Republic, and local laws. Storage of criminals until picked up by CULD.
v Disaster: plans for catastrophic disruption of the Republic infrastructure, implements responses to such, and employs emergency workers.
v Medicine: supports public clinics, as well as working with SWORD and the Disaster department.
v Coordination: headed directly by Nellens, this department ensures that every other department runs well. This department is watched closely by Oversight and the Anathema.
v Diplomacy: headed directly by Nelens, in conjunction with the Anathema. Responsible for establishing new trade agreements (in conjunction with the Trade Board), delegations to other kingdoms and nations, and public relations.
SWORD (Strategic Warfare Operations and Rxxx Division)
This department manages the military might of the Republic, gathers and collates strategic information in and out of the Republic, and insures proper coordination of local military units with fulltime Republic forces. Important tasks include:
v Establishment of a permanent, professional military force representing the Republic.
v Training of all able-bodied civilians in defensive strategies, basic weapons use, and teamwork.
v Fostering a national identity and pride in that identity.
v Spying and information management, both internal and external.
v Coordination with BALANCE, COME, and ROADS to create a defensible Republic.
v Coordination with the WU Board to prepare sorcerous countermeasures and contingency plans.
Following is a list of the various departments and programs instituted by the Anathema of Grayfalls, as well as where they spend most of their time.
(assuming no objections, these are everyone’s day jobs)
Avilister: the WU Board (president), COME (chief designer)
Nellens Rombulac: BALANCE (head administrator)
Cathak Kitono: SWORD (second in command), Trade Board (head of Realm trade department)
Shisa Whitenight: WU Board (public schools committee head), BALANCE (Medical Department and Disasters Department Co-Coordinator)
Darkstar: BALANCE (Oversight Department), TEMPLE (Assistant Coordinator)
Zack: (pending information, likely TEMPLE and WU Board affiliated)
Sa’Rel: (pending information, likely Medical, Diplomacy, Disaster, or WU Board)
Zal’Es: BALANCE (Diplomacy Department Head, and likely involved with Oversight and Coordination), SWORD (Advisor)
Wren: SWORD (Head of naval defense)
Khyler: COME (beast of burden), BALANCE (Diplomacy Department advisor on the wyld, the Silverpact, and Wyld barbarians)
EPR: CULD (Administrator of Binding Day), BALANCE (Diplomacy Department PR advisor), TEMPLE (Assistant Coordinator)
Clicky: SWORD (Head Administrator/General), CULD (head of Fair Folk Friendship Department)
Jade: WU Board (Advisor on Crafts), (need skill set and I will fill this in further)
Republic’s ROADS (Repair Operation And Defense Services)This project is dedicated to the creation, maintenance, and defense of a comprehensive overland transit system consisting of well-paved roads, way stations, a highway patrol, regular trade caravans, and regular civilian transportation between cities.
v The program is paid for via taxation on traffic at the way stations, which also provide safe camp grounds for travelers (not a hotel, but still safer than the open road, especially with loyal higway patrolment present).
v Construction and maintenance are to be accomplished via the effort of paid craftsmen supported by criminal work gangs managed by the CULD staff, sorcerous/necromantic automatons, and the mindless husks resulting from the fair folk portion of the CULD program. Planning is the responsibility of COME.
v The police force is maintained by taking bandits and other criminals and pressing them into binding oaths to the service of the law and the highway patrol. The standard oath involves: obedience to the law, obedience and non-violence toward the anathema rulers of the Wonderfalls Republic, and permanent service to the highway patrol until released from duty (though such release does not negate the oath).
CULD (Criminal Usefulness Leadership Directorate)
This project provides the infrastructure by which criminals are assigned to useful duties. The management staff is paid for by the general tax dollars of the Republic, and the staff is pulled from talented bureaucrats and white-collar criminals bound in oaths similar to those affecting the highway patrol. The linchpins of the program include:
v Work gangs and community service teams taken from the ranks of those criminals who commit minor to moderate crimes.
v Fair Folk Friendship department responsible for delivering irredeemable offenders to the Fair Folk for recycling into Mindless Labor Teams.
v Binding Day, a minor Republic holiday, occurring at the end of each season, in which law abiding citizens may celebrate their safety and social cohesion. On this day, at the height of festivities, an anathema of either the Moonshadow or Eclipse caste officiates in a ceremony binding all criminals to service.
v CULD Management department, which keeps track of former criminals, organizes them, and ensures that recidivism remains low.
TEMPLE (Temple Education, Maintenance, & Prayer Logistics Establishment)
This department, paid for by trade taxes, is responsible for building, staffing, and maintaining the temples of the 1000 Gods of the Hundred Kingdoms (1KGHK). The staff is pulled from the most devout citizens, and all priests are bound by oaths to never abuse the trust placed in them as priests, and to work for the will of the anathema rulers of the Wonderfalls Republic. The tenets of the program include:
v Fostering faith in the 1KGHK, and encouraging devoted prayer by reminding citizens that by providing for the gods, the gods in turn provide prosperity for the land and its people.
v Organizing prayer fairly and equitably with all gods, and adjusting for newly incorporated gods, ensuring that all gods receive regular prayer, and organizing rolls of the gods and exalted being worshiped in such a manner that mortals can easily define to whom they should pray for a given need. Of note, priority within a given city is always different, based on the needs of the city and the gods present within it.
v Maintaining temple grounds, amusement parks, and stages.
v Oath of office sworn quarterly on Binding Day for new TEMPLE staff.
COME (Construction Organization Management Establishment)
This department, paid for by Republic taxes and trade taxes, is responsible for planning and managing new construction projects for the Republic. They organize skilled workers, manage building crews, process and implement orders made by the legislative and executive branches, design architectural plans, and coordinate construction projects. Some of the important projects managed by this department are:
v The building and large scale maintenance of roads.
v The construction of temples and their associated entertainments, shopping malls, parks, and theatres.
v The adaptation of cities to their environments (anti-mold paint in greyfalls, etc).
v The realization of social enrichment projects mandated by the WU Board, in coordination with the WU student body.
v Construction of dams, bridges, wells, bathhouses, and other important public centers.
WU Board
These are the managers of the Wonderfalls University. They run not only the school bureaucracy, but also interface with the community in multiple ways:
v Encouraging craftsmen and artisans in their trades and providing a network for them to find new customers and to find work from the government.
v Oversight of large scale art projects for the enrichment of the Republic.
v Management of students, and maintaining internship programs that enrich students’ educations while also donating to the public good.
v Management of all sorcerous elements of government projects.
v Administration of the public school system.
Trade Board
Split into two departments, one dealing with Realm trade and managed by house Cathak?, and the other dealing with non-Realm trade and managed by Wonderfalls bureaucrats (with key individuals bound by oaths on Binding Day), the Trade Board oversees all trade in the Republic, and ensures proper taxation rates, efficiency, and honesty.
BALANCE (Bureau of Accounting, Logistics, Administration, Normalization, Censure, and Elucidation)
Responsible for EVERYTHING ELSE, this organization is really a host of other organizations, such as the police force, tax collection agency, accounting department, oversight committee, and the office of coordination which ensures smooth work between the other boards and departments. The department is headed by house Nellens, which earns a sizable portion of proceeds procured from Republic cultural establishments such as the WU and the Temple-Parks, and a privileged position for trade within the city and for trade of art and specialty goods manufactured in the Republic. Aside from house Nellens, bureaucrats are also drawn from the local populace and white-collar criminal population and bound to honesty, accountability, dedication to the Republic, and serving the interests of the Anathema leaders of the Republic. Important divisions include:
v Oversight: responsible for monitoring the state of the Republic, and preventing corruption; reports directly to the government and to the Anathema.
v Accounting: balances the Republic budget, and reports to the government and the Anathema.
v Taxation: ensures proper taxation of Republic goods and income at a citizen and corporate level.
v Agriculture: promotes efficient agricultural processes (often in coordination with TEMPLE and the WU Board), maintains grain silos, stocks of food and water, and purchases food from outside the Republic when necessary
v Police: enforces the laws of the Republic, and local laws. Storage of criminals until picked up by CULD.
v Disaster: plans for catastrophic disruption of the Republic infrastructure, implements responses to such, and employs emergency workers.
v Medicine: supports public clinics, as well as working with SWORD and the Disaster department.
v Coordination: headed directly by Nellens, this department ensures that every other department runs well. This department is watched closely by Oversight and the Anathema.
v Diplomacy: headed directly by Nelens, in conjunction with the Anathema. Responsible for establishing new trade agreements (in conjunction with the Trade Board), delegations to other kingdoms and nations, and public relations.
SWORD (Strategic Warfare Operations and Rxxx Division)
This department manages the military might of the Republic, gathers and collates strategic information in and out of the Republic, and insures proper coordination of local military units with fulltime Republic forces. Important tasks include:
v Establishment of a permanent, professional military force representing the Republic.
v Training of all able-bodied civilians in defensive strategies, basic weapons use, and teamwork.
v Fostering a national identity and pride in that identity.
v Spying and information management, both internal and external.
v Coordination with BALANCE, COME, and ROADS to create a defensible Republic.
v Coordination with the WU Board to prepare sorcerous countermeasures and contingency plans.
Last edited by rydi on Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Threading the Gerbil since 1982
I need to rebuild Avil and Shisa now. :P
Are you sure you want to be investing all of the time it takes to bind so many people into oaths of service? That's a lot of people you're talking about. In particular, it doesn't really seem necissary to bind civil servants like the general admins in BALANCE to oaths. They should be doing their job, and the application of Bureaucracy charms can ensure that they do.
Are you sure you want to be investing all of the time it takes to bind so many people into oaths of service? That's a lot of people you're talking about. In particular, it doesn't really seem necissary to bind civil servants like the general admins in BALANCE to oaths. They should be doing their job, and the application of Bureaucracy charms can ensure that they do.
but... who has bureaucracy charms?
no, i'm certainly not binding everyone, just a few key personel to keep things honest. and i actually like having criminals in, as when they are bound to our interests they actually make good watchdogs (hmmm... why's bob filing a 740IW? no reason to do that unless he's stealing... at least that's what i did... oh, yeah, i should report that so that the dark gods don't kill me...)
we really need more celestial exalts to get things further into gear. glad that your npc came with his own npc.
no, i'm certainly not binding everyone, just a few key personel to keep things honest. and i actually like having criminals in, as when they are bound to our interests they actually make good watchdogs (hmmm... why's bob filing a 740IW? no reason to do that unless he's stealing... at least that's what i did... oh, yeah, i should report that so that the dark gods don't kill me...)
we really need more celestial exalts to get things further into gear. glad that your npc came with his own npc.
Threading the Gerbil since 1982
oh, that is also the purpose of binding day btw. when my anima flares i can do the binding cost free, so i just stand arounnd flaring for a while, swear in a buttload of people, and go about my business for the rest of the season.
we do need another eclipse cast though. i think alex is interested in participating.
we do need another eclipse cast though. i think alex is interested in participating.
Threading the Gerbil since 1982
I don't object to another player, though I also don't want to press people into a given caste unless that's what they want to play.
When I rebuild Avil I may give him a few of the Bureau charms, though not more than one or two. It's becoming aparent that administrata will be one of his principal functions, so it doesn't feel like a waste. Plus I have to make him so that he can create the Rings.
When I rebuild Avil I may give him a few of the Bureau charms, though not more than one or two. It's becoming aparent that administrata will be one of his principal functions, so it doesn't feel like a waste. Plus I have to make him so that he can create the Rings.