- Guardiankrillin
- Lost Knight
- Posts: 346
- Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:15 am
- Location: Edmond, Oklahoma
::The girls mother Eileen, gasps at the sight of the doctor being bitten by her baby. Eileen and Srgn't Cutters baby begins to cry wildly. Eileen calms her baby for a moment. After the commotion is over and things settle moments later. Eileen, tries to get doctor Pickleberry's attention. She walks towards the door, as Jim is getting ready to whisper his ailments.::Durden wrote:"SONAVABITCH!!" *large crashing sound with metal instruments hitting the floor. Patient Room door flies open and Dr Pickleberry trips his way out of the door clutching his hand*
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph I....ah...ha....*ahem*"
*Realizing the commotion he has just caused, the doctor attempts to compose himself, brushing his unruley hair back and straightening his glasses*
"I appologize. The uh...child bite my hand. Those teeth. My god those teeth. Oh, hello there gentleman. Did we have an appointment?"
"Dr. Pickleberry ....."
::Jim whispers to Dr. Pickleberry his ailment. Hearing this Glenda and Eileen blush. Eileen waits for a moment then continues.::rydi wrote:"yeah. been watin' for almost an hour now, and so's the weird kid over there with the brit accent. *leans in and speaks quietly enough that everyone can hear anyway, since he's going deaf* anyway, i'm havin' problems with my ass again..."
"Dr. Pickleberry, is there some soft candy or a sucker that I can give my child to keep her from crying."
[At the Reception desk]
::Glenda waves down Andrew the per diem nurse.::
"Andrew take Mr. Brown to room 12, so he can be seen by Dr. Pickleberry."
::Andrew heeds Glenda's call and walks over to assist Dr. Pickleberry.::
"Mr. Brown if possible I will assist you in being seen for your appointment."
::Andrew looks towards Tavis::
"Sir if you can wait over in the waiting room Dr. Pickleberry will be with you shortly."
::Andrew averts his attention back to Mr. Brown.::
"Right this way Mr. Brown."
::Andrew trys to direct Mr. Brown into room 12, into the adjacent area he pulls a divider curtain between srgn't cutter's family and Mr. Brown.::
- Guardiankrillin
- Lost Knight
- Posts: 346
- Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:15 am
- Location: Edmond, Oklahoma
[Waiting room]
::In the waiting room a couple of rows of chairs can be found and a small bench is located in the corners of the room a small vending machine looks like it was from the 70's sits near a entrance to the bathrooms. two kids are playing cards with a elderly gentleman who sits in a wheel chair. While others sit waiting for their turn to see the doctor or whom have brought family members for their doctors appointments. The few that are there for the doctors appointments look worried about something. Maybe it is fear of the prognosis they will recieve during their visit. Others sit asleep in their chairs. Some have tell tale signs of their ailments while others are less visible. One man is an amputee victim, another seems to be rocking back and forth uncontrolably, while yet another has nasty skin iritations across most of his neck and arms. There are about 5 open seats only two are open near each other, one of the two happens to be near a wall. Magazine's litter the center tables and corner tables around the room.::
::In the waiting room a couple of rows of chairs can be found and a small bench is located in the corners of the room a small vending machine looks like it was from the 70's sits near a entrance to the bathrooms. two kids are playing cards with a elderly gentleman who sits in a wheel chair. While others sit waiting for their turn to see the doctor or whom have brought family members for their doctors appointments. The few that are there for the doctors appointments look worried about something. Maybe it is fear of the prognosis they will recieve during their visit. Others sit asleep in their chairs. Some have tell tale signs of their ailments while others are less visible. One man is an amputee victim, another seems to be rocking back and forth uncontrolably, while yet another has nasty skin iritations across most of his neck and arms. There are about 5 open seats only two are open near each other, one of the two happens to be near a wall. Magazine's litter the center tables and corner tables around the room.::
- Guardiankrillin
- Lost Knight
- Posts: 346
- Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:15 am
- Location: Edmond, Oklahoma
[Room 12]
::Room 12 looks like any typical checkup room. There are 2 check-up tables and a divider curtain, multiple cabinets with medical supplies adorn the walls and in the corner a baby scale and a regular scale. Other medical equipment are placed in different areas appropriate to any checkup room.
As Andrew takes Jim to the appropriate area, Jim notices out of the corner of his eyes srgn't cutter and his daughter. Srgn't cutter looks catatonic, with drool running down his chin. He seems to be fiddling with his shirt sleeves. These symptoms you have seen before in the jungles, men who have lost hope and have crumpled under the weight of battle. There maybe a more medical definition for this condition, but you are not sure. It is a shame such youth wasted.
Before you spoke with Dr. Pickleberry he spoke of being bit. As you walk in you see what appears to be a perfectly healthy 18 month old baby. However, unknown to you the child is only 6 months old. The childs teeth look very sharp for even the age she appears to be.
Andrew ignores the other patient and tries to close the curtain to begin the physical exam.::
"Mr. Brown if you will please step on the scale."
::When you walk over to the scale you have a better view of srgn't cutter and his daughter.::
::Room 12 looks like any typical checkup room. There are 2 check-up tables and a divider curtain, multiple cabinets with medical supplies adorn the walls and in the corner a baby scale and a regular scale. Other medical equipment are placed in different areas appropriate to any checkup room.
As Andrew takes Jim to the appropriate area, Jim notices out of the corner of his eyes srgn't cutter and his daughter. Srgn't cutter looks catatonic, with drool running down his chin. He seems to be fiddling with his shirt sleeves. These symptoms you have seen before in the jungles, men who have lost hope and have crumpled under the weight of battle. There maybe a more medical definition for this condition, but you are not sure. It is a shame such youth wasted.
Before you spoke with Dr. Pickleberry he spoke of being bit. As you walk in you see what appears to be a perfectly healthy 18 month old baby. However, unknown to you the child is only 6 months old. The childs teeth look very sharp for even the age she appears to be.
Andrew ignores the other patient and tries to close the curtain to begin the physical exam.::
"Mr. Brown if you will please step on the scale."
::When you walk over to the scale you have a better view of srgn't cutter and his daughter.::
- Guardiankrillin
- Lost Knight
- Posts: 346
- Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:15 am
- Location: Edmond, Oklahoma
[Room 12]
::Andrew continues the preliminary examination and documents his findings. During which, after conversations with Dr. Pickleberry Eileen will return to her baby's side. Close examination will show you that her mother has a bandage near her nipple where the child took a bite. The baby is very energetic and looks healthy by first looks.
The mother although disturbed by something your not sure what. She looks very worried about both her child and husband. She is paying more attention to the child leading you to believe the examination is for the child not her husband.
Srgn't Cutter looks like his mind is in another location. He seems to sway occasionally and says nothing more than simple mubbles and grunts. What ever the war did to him this seems like one of the worst cases you have even seen.::
::Andrew continues the preliminary examination and documents his findings. During which, after conversations with Dr. Pickleberry Eileen will return to her baby's side. Close examination will show you that her mother has a bandage near her nipple where the child took a bite. The baby is very energetic and looks healthy by first looks.
The mother although disturbed by something your not sure what. She looks very worried about both her child and husband. She is paying more attention to the child leading you to believe the examination is for the child not her husband.
Srgn't Cutter looks like his mind is in another location. He seems to sway occasionally and says nothing more than simple mubbles and grunts. What ever the war did to him this seems like one of the worst cases you have even seen.::
- Guardiankrillin
- Lost Knight
- Posts: 346
- Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:15 am
- Location: Edmond, Oklahoma
[Room 12]
::Eileen takes a moment to realise Jim was speaking to her. She seemed preoccupied with thought. Assuming Dr. Pickleberry was able to calm her child with soft candy, Eileen will leave her child in Dr. Pickleberry's care while he finsishes his check-up. Eileen leaves her daughter and husbands side to speak with Jim.
When she walks over she looks like she is ready to collapse from the stress. She looks like she needs a shoulder to cry on and you have just provided a temporary one.::
"I don't mind at all, thank you for asking. I am in need of rest. I have a loving husband who has been over seas for Operation Desert Storm and became wounded during his missions. He is one of the early returners, his wounds happened when his tank was disabled by enemy fire, his unit survived. However he has slowly become what he is today. I met him at the Army Hospital where I was a nurse. He was much different then, he was so caring, so responsive to the world. *She begins holding back tears.* We got married and shortly after I became pregnant with our bundle of joy. *She glances over to see her child still giving Dr. Pickleberry a rough time.* When she was born she was just like any normal baby, healthy in every way. Although she still appears that way, she is only 6 months old."
::Jim suddenly comes to the realization why they are there.::
"I just worry that this is a sign of some kind of birth defect and wonder what her future holds. I worry about my husband whos state has slowly decayed into what he is now and I hope it can only get better from here. *You see a few tears roll down her face.* I just don't know what to do."
::Eileen takes a moment to realise Jim was speaking to her. She seemed preoccupied with thought. Assuming Dr. Pickleberry was able to calm her child with soft candy, Eileen will leave her child in Dr. Pickleberry's care while he finsishes his check-up. Eileen leaves her daughter and husbands side to speak with Jim.
When she walks over she looks like she is ready to collapse from the stress. She looks like she needs a shoulder to cry on and you have just provided a temporary one.::
"I don't mind at all, thank you for asking. I am in need of rest. I have a loving husband who has been over seas for Operation Desert Storm and became wounded during his missions. He is one of the early returners, his wounds happened when his tank was disabled by enemy fire, his unit survived. However he has slowly become what he is today. I met him at the Army Hospital where I was a nurse. He was much different then, he was so caring, so responsive to the world. *She begins holding back tears.* We got married and shortly after I became pregnant with our bundle of joy. *She glances over to see her child still giving Dr. Pickleberry a rough time.* When she was born she was just like any normal baby, healthy in every way. Although she still appears that way, she is only 6 months old."
::Jim suddenly comes to the realization why they are there.::
"I just worry that this is a sign of some kind of birth defect and wonder what her future holds. I worry about my husband whos state has slowly decayed into what he is now and I hope it can only get better from here. *You see a few tears roll down her face.* I just don't know what to do."
"That just ain't normal ma'am... you know, i heard they've been using chemicals over there. Now, i know alot of guys that came back from 'nam, like you said he did, mostly normal, but then they were messed up later, and their kids...
and the government didn't do a damn thing for years. i hope you don't have to go through that. i recommend you go see someone on the outside. maybe write a letter to a research hospital that might do your case for free. these places... well, they don't do much for people like you, with special problems. hell, it takes three doctors and a whole floor of nurses to get a splinter out and put a bandaid over it."
and the government didn't do a damn thing for years. i hope you don't have to go through that. i recommend you go see someone on the outside. maybe write a letter to a research hospital that might do your case for free. these places... well, they don't do much for people like you, with special problems. hell, it takes three doctors and a whole floor of nurses to get a splinter out and put a bandaid over it."
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

- Guardiankrillin
- Lost Knight
- Posts: 346
- Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:15 am
- Location: Edmond, Oklahoma
::Eileen *gasps* at the mention of chemicals.::
"Our Goverment..... they wouldn't, they coul........ I will check into what you were talking about and see what I can find out. Thank you for all your information. I never got your name sir, mine is Eileen. If I may ask is the splinter what you are here for today, or was that just a figure of speach? Where are ya from?"
"Our Goverment..... they wouldn't, they coul........ I will check into what you were talking about and see what I can find out. Thank you for all your information. I never got your name sir, mine is Eileen. If I may ask is the splinter what you are here for today, or was that just a figure of speach? Where are ya from?"
- Guardiankrillin
- Lost Knight
- Posts: 346
- Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:15 am
- Location: Edmond, Oklahoma
"I'm originally from North Dakota. Sam is from here originally. I moved here after we married. I sometimes wonder if he will ever be alright again. I hope, Dorothy is going to be alright as well. Sorry to bring my worries to you, it's just that you are the first one to ask and I just thought that you might be here for a reason, you seem like a real nice person. Do you have any family? Mine still keep in touch, but with Sam's condition and with Dorothy it is hard to travel to see them."
"Oh, I have a son, and grandkids. Military, and my poor choices kinda took a toll on the marriage though. Hey, if you need some help, or just a shoulder, here's my number or I'm usually having breakfast at the Dana's Diner on Sutter and Polk most mornings at around 0700.
What exactly do they say is "his condition" anyway? and your child's?"
What exactly do they say is "his condition" anyway? and your child's?"
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

- Guardiankrillin
- Lost Knight
- Posts: 346
- Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:15 am
- Location: Edmond, Oklahoma
"Mr. Brown you are so kind, I may take you up on that offer if I need it.
They catagorized it as a form of war related post traumatic stress disorder and have been treating it sparingly, they believe there is not much hope for him. Dorothy though, I think she has some form of giganticism. We are here for a check-up to hopefully determine her problems and possible solutions."
They catagorized it as a form of war related post traumatic stress disorder and have been treating it sparingly, they believe there is not much hope for him. Dorothy though, I think she has some form of giganticism. We are here for a check-up to hopefully determine her problems and possible solutions."
Last edited by Guardiankrillin on Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
"well, good luck with that... but that guy ain't suffering from PTS. It does alot to you, but not that. but I don't get paid the big money, don't have piece of paper with my name on it. Except my military papers that gave me a lifetime of experience with this sort of thing. So who cares what I think...
Go take him to a real psychiatrist, and her to a real doc-
Hi doc, how are you today? you get my exams back?"
(chris, i love you...)
Go take him to a real psychiatrist, and her to a real doc-
Hi doc, how are you today? you get my exams back?"
(chris, i love you...)
Threading the Gerbil since 1982