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Wow. You guys really have some neat ideas. Specifically in my campaign, I am looking for a character that is willing and able to upset late night swimmers...
The gangrel varient monstrosity could be interesting. While foreigners are cool and all, I almost like a party of all whitebreada. And man alive I hate kue jin. Still, people really need to play something they are interested in exploring. If we aren't fighting, then it's gotta be more cerebral, save for Cheyne's autistic character.
The Thaumaturd idea is nifty. The tricks that seem so pointless in modern setting suddenly become godlike. Good times. A hindu take is one way to go. It occured to me that mixed ethnicities really won't be so hard after all. Takes very little to alter one's appearance under the cover of darkness and hell, there just aren't many people out at dark. While few would have really been much aware of the outside world, those that were would mostly be curious. Racism developed with imperialism. Excpt the Jews. Damn dirty Jews.
Avilister- Kuldonic sorcery is sexy in this setting. There will be the opportunity for some wacky water adventures. I planned something like that forevers ago and lost my notes.
A Tzimisce hunter... As an academic, it would certainly enjoy the abbey. The Lasombra as well. Hell, let's just make a sabbat party.
I think you have a good setup for both. Comes down to what ideas you are really looking to explore. There will be plenty of options for growth both intellectually and spiritually. Socially, things are certainly possible. I don't expect everyone to stay hold up in the abbey for too long, but wondering around Europe certainly presents some problems.
I'd like to hear more about the backgrounds people are thinking of taking. I am debating wheter to give free 7th gen. I mean hell, who in the group wouldn't be a 7th gen vamp if they got the chance. Well, Thael wouldn't. He'd have the lowest AV too.
Cheyne- I am almost more interested in making a neat diverse party for your character to mix with. The more foreign and powerful the ideas, the more chimerical and hideously deformed your characters outlook will become. I see your character growing from the library less so than the others, only because I think you'll make more a man/woman of the world, not as interested in esoteric notions of spirituality and service. The Plague will be fun.
Haley- A character with a limited grasp on English or communication in general would be a good idea. As a bitchy woman, I'd expect you to purchase the open wound flaw, since people would be beating you on a daily basis.
The gangrel varient monstrosity could be interesting. While foreigners are cool and all, I almost like a party of all whitebreada. And man alive I hate kue jin. Still, people really need to play something they are interested in exploring. If we aren't fighting, then it's gotta be more cerebral, save for Cheyne's autistic character.
The Thaumaturd idea is nifty. The tricks that seem so pointless in modern setting suddenly become godlike. Good times. A hindu take is one way to go. It occured to me that mixed ethnicities really won't be so hard after all. Takes very little to alter one's appearance under the cover of darkness and hell, there just aren't many people out at dark. While few would have really been much aware of the outside world, those that were would mostly be curious. Racism developed with imperialism. Excpt the Jews. Damn dirty Jews.
Avilister- Kuldonic sorcery is sexy in this setting. There will be the opportunity for some wacky water adventures. I planned something like that forevers ago and lost my notes.
A Tzimisce hunter... As an academic, it would certainly enjoy the abbey. The Lasombra as well. Hell, let's just make a sabbat party.
I think you have a good setup for both. Comes down to what ideas you are really looking to explore. There will be plenty of options for growth both intellectually and spiritually. Socially, things are certainly possible. I don't expect everyone to stay hold up in the abbey for too long, but wondering around Europe certainly presents some problems.
I'd like to hear more about the backgrounds people are thinking of taking. I am debating wheter to give free 7th gen. I mean hell, who in the group wouldn't be a 7th gen vamp if they got the chance. Well, Thael wouldn't. He'd have the lowest AV too.
Cheyne- I am almost more interested in making a neat diverse party for your character to mix with. The more foreign and powerful the ideas, the more chimerical and hideously deformed your characters outlook will become. I see your character growing from the library less so than the others, only because I think you'll make more a man/woman of the world, not as interested in esoteric notions of spirituality and service. The Plague will be fun.
Haley- A character with a limited grasp on English or communication in general would be a good idea. As a bitchy woman, I'd expect you to purchase the open wound flaw, since people would be beating you on a daily basis.
At this point I strongly lean towards the Koldun Tzimisce Hunter guy. Enough so that I'm going to start trying to stat him up. Are you against the Additional Clan Discipline merit from Guide to the Cam? If not, I'ma take it for Koldunic Sorcerery :p
As far as the 7th gen thing goes: Yes, if we are not given 7th generation I will sacrifice other things at character creation to get it. The Anarch Revolt is still a while away and my character's sire still has things to teach before he's devoured for his blood. :P
As far as the 7th gen thing goes: Yes, if we are not given 7th generation I will sacrifice other things at character creation to get it. The Anarch Revolt is still a while away and my character's sire still has things to teach before he's devoured for his blood. :P
I will allow for 5 freebies to be spent on Generation for everyone signing up. If for what ever reason you are against this, I will appoint someone to hit you, then discuss what may be granted instead. Not very often you get a 7th gen vampire. I have one. He is great and I miss him. Remember Hiroshi guys? Good times...
Also, Avilister, I will allow the extra clan discipline. Let's take it easy on using modern books though. I understand some things may only be in them, but there are tons of DA books with nifty things as well.
Homework for you guys. The year will be 1310 Anno Domini Nostri Iesu. The game will begin in Northern Italy (abouts which will be determined. Thinking mountains and near coast). Venice is the seat of power in the region. Think about where your character is starting. I have hooks for Mongols, knights, monks, simple folk, and others. There may be opportunities for individual rp stuff before everyone meets up.
So the homework - I need people to scour the clanbooks and their memories for info in modern setting regarding the goings on of the clans and specific members in the 1300's. I know some of the basics to modern (1400's the Capps are subverted by the Giovanni family, for example), but I'm sure there is something in the source books about big events and people. We are jumping about 100 years ahead of the standard DA setting. I am making adjustments regarding the papacy, regional powers, transportation, cities, monastic orders, etc. So if you guys come across something relevant, please share. Thanks.
Also, Avilister, I will allow the extra clan discipline. Let's take it easy on using modern books though. I understand some things may only be in them, but there are tons of DA books with nifty things as well.
Homework for you guys. The year will be 1310 Anno Domini Nostri Iesu. The game will begin in Northern Italy (abouts which will be determined. Thinking mountains and near coast). Venice is the seat of power in the region. Think about where your character is starting. I have hooks for Mongols, knights, monks, simple folk, and others. There may be opportunities for individual rp stuff before everyone meets up.
So the homework - I need people to scour the clanbooks and their memories for info in modern setting regarding the goings on of the clans and specific members in the 1300's. I know some of the basics to modern (1400's the Capps are subverted by the Giovanni family, for example), but I'm sure there is something in the source books about big events and people. We are jumping about 100 years ahead of the standard DA setting. I am making adjustments regarding the papacy, regional powers, transportation, cities, monastic orders, etc. So if you guys come across something relevant, please share. Thanks.
A few pivotal events in Cainite history during the late 14th and the 15th centuries:
1395 - Patricia Bollingbroke, "Tyler" diablarizes Hardestadt
1395-1413 - At some point the Vauldarie is invented/discovered/created
1405 - The diablarie of the Lasombra Antedilluvian
1413 - The apparent diablarie of the Tzimisce Antedilluvian
1435 - Birth of the Camarilla
1444 - Giovanni 'dinner party' - Cappadocious diablarized by Augustus
1493 - The Convention of Thorns official ends the Anarch Revolt
1495 - The Embrace of Dracula
Mid 16th Century - Sabbat forms from roaming anarch pacts
1395 - Patricia Bollingbroke, "Tyler" diablarizes Hardestadt
1395-1413 - At some point the Vauldarie is invented/discovered/created
1405 - The diablarie of the Lasombra Antedilluvian
1413 - The apparent diablarie of the Tzimisce Antedilluvian
1435 - Birth of the Camarilla
1444 - Giovanni 'dinner party' - Cappadocious diablarized by Augustus
1493 - The Convention of Thorns official ends the Anarch Revolt
1495 - The Embrace of Dracula
Mid 16th Century - Sabbat forms from roaming anarch pacts
Last edited by Avilister on Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
All the Road of X books have some neat merits and flaws and Road-specific combo disciplines and such. There are quite a few in the DA:V core and even more in the High and Low clan guides and the ST's companion.durden wrote:Let's take it easy on using modern books though. I understand some things may only be in them, but there are tons of DA books with nifty things as well.
I think I have a decent concept down. I've changed a lot from where I started. I do need to know how long I have for my background before my character is embraced.
Bartolomeo Androni was an italian sailor, tough, yet educated. His father was the navigator on a prominent merchant vessel, and Bartolomeo was raised for a similar life. Primarily a cartographer by trade, Bartolomeo was also trained in many languages common to the region, and in his travels picked up bits and pieces of others. It was his ability, however far from the peak of his time it was, as a scholar, that attracted his sire. The merchant vessel he was on had put into port in Mangalore, and he and the crew were at liberty. While most of the sailors went in search of booze, Bartolomeo found a quiet corner to contemplate in, and update his journal without interruption. He was approached by a wealthy local man with his escorts, who saw him for a lettered man and invited him into his home. They debated and discussed and related stories until quite late, when this man, Prajap, explained the embrace to Bartolomeo. Bart considered this for a moment, and made a challenge. If Prajap could convince him that forsaking God and accepting the embrace was the right thing to do, then Bart would accept it, under the terms of a standard debate of the time. Bart argued from every point he could and made the clearest argument possible. Alas, Prajap had been a scholar far longer than Bart had, and Prajap won the debate. A man of his word, yet scared, Bart succumbed to the terms of his challenge, and was embraced.
The vessel that Bart had been part of, the Santorini, fared poorly without their navigator, and was lost at sea.
Bartolomeo was educated in the ways of the night of the kindred of india, and of the role he would play in society as a leader. he learned quickly, and to his surprise, was asked by Prajap to return to Italy (or whatever it was called at the time).
"My friend, there is only so much room in Mangalore, and without my protection, you will not last long. Go to be among your people, there you require no protection. Seek out scholars and expand your knowledge, I sense that you will not what to do. Shiva's gift comes in many forms, but if your gift is similar to mine, you will know what is coming. Go, be well."
And with that, Prajap sent Bartolomeo back to italy. The journey was harsh, but manageable. Prajap sent Bart with a sum of money, enough to support himself, and a loyal servant from his household, whom Bart was to ghoul, named Pandu. Pandu helped Bart to passage himself by sea back to italy, as cargo, while Pandu saw that he was safe. Once home, he sought out somewhere that he could lie low, for he was supposed to be dead, lost at sea. He would first have to establish some estate, and then build temporal power, and he must identify the great thinkers of the time. His journey led him to The Monastery, where he found free thinkers and wise men.
So, Bartolomeo would be a Ventrue, from india, but is white, and fits in rather well. If allowable, I would like to take the hindu-thaum variant for my extra in clan discipline merit, though this requires Bart to actually be hindu, it is not unrealistic for Prajap to indoctrinate him in those ways. He might be uncomfortable in a monastery, but he could at least offer informative lectures over differences in spirituality, during a time when questions about the east are being raised.
and cheyne is playing an autistic tremere woman that doesn't speak? is that right? it's not surprising really. had to happen sooner or later.
Bartolomeo Androni was an italian sailor, tough, yet educated. His father was the navigator on a prominent merchant vessel, and Bartolomeo was raised for a similar life. Primarily a cartographer by trade, Bartolomeo was also trained in many languages common to the region, and in his travels picked up bits and pieces of others. It was his ability, however far from the peak of his time it was, as a scholar, that attracted his sire. The merchant vessel he was on had put into port in Mangalore, and he and the crew were at liberty. While most of the sailors went in search of booze, Bartolomeo found a quiet corner to contemplate in, and update his journal without interruption. He was approached by a wealthy local man with his escorts, who saw him for a lettered man and invited him into his home. They debated and discussed and related stories until quite late, when this man, Prajap, explained the embrace to Bartolomeo. Bart considered this for a moment, and made a challenge. If Prajap could convince him that forsaking God and accepting the embrace was the right thing to do, then Bart would accept it, under the terms of a standard debate of the time. Bart argued from every point he could and made the clearest argument possible. Alas, Prajap had been a scholar far longer than Bart had, and Prajap won the debate. A man of his word, yet scared, Bart succumbed to the terms of his challenge, and was embraced.
The vessel that Bart had been part of, the Santorini, fared poorly without their navigator, and was lost at sea.
Bartolomeo was educated in the ways of the night of the kindred of india, and of the role he would play in society as a leader. he learned quickly, and to his surprise, was asked by Prajap to return to Italy (or whatever it was called at the time).
"My friend, there is only so much room in Mangalore, and without my protection, you will not last long. Go to be among your people, there you require no protection. Seek out scholars and expand your knowledge, I sense that you will not what to do. Shiva's gift comes in many forms, but if your gift is similar to mine, you will know what is coming. Go, be well."
And with that, Prajap sent Bartolomeo back to italy. The journey was harsh, but manageable. Prajap sent Bart with a sum of money, enough to support himself, and a loyal servant from his household, whom Bart was to ghoul, named Pandu. Pandu helped Bart to passage himself by sea back to italy, as cargo, while Pandu saw that he was safe. Once home, he sought out somewhere that he could lie low, for he was supposed to be dead, lost at sea. He would first have to establish some estate, and then build temporal power, and he must identify the great thinkers of the time. His journey led him to The Monastery, where he found free thinkers and wise men.
So, Bartolomeo would be a Ventrue, from india, but is white, and fits in rather well. If allowable, I would like to take the hindu-thaum variant for my extra in clan discipline merit, though this requires Bart to actually be hindu, it is not unrealistic for Prajap to indoctrinate him in those ways. He might be uncomfortable in a monastery, but he could at least offer informative lectures over differences in spirituality, during a time when questions about the east are being raised.
and cheyne is playing an autistic tremere woman that doesn't speak? is that right? it's not surprising really. had to happen sooner or later.
Cheyne is an autistic Tremere woman.
Not sure what his character will be.
Italian Hindu ventrue wizard... hmmm....
Taking True Faith?
I'm really surprised no one has mentioned True Brujah. I mean damn.
Story sounds nice, Gid. I'm slightly reluctant to grant the hindu-specific eastern magic kill-all-humans discipline. Then again, not like the opportunity presents itself that often. When I think of making characters, I want the kind that I could present to a community of other gamers and find acceptance and awe at my awesomeness. Maybe that's silly, but it's always in the back of my mind. Since we are playing a dead game and playing it for the first time, to hell with it.
Still, there always needs to be some legitimacy to things. Your Italian scholar converted to hinduism. Possible, but not likely through a very persuasive argument. I'd imagine something like that would take time. Immersion in the culture, something traumatic or wonderful happening, and some powerful tutelage could do the trick.
Think about that a little, we have some time still. Oh, and please point me to the book(s) you are looking at for these things. I noticed their is a Muslim supplement too. Kinda cool. Maybe we can play an all something else game sometime if this works out. Just rotate GMs every now and then. Tertius did get around, after all. Be fun to bring in other characters or their sires too. I really don't see a reason not to go all out on it, at least after we have some real honest story behind us. Right now, the smaller the better. Anyone making a Chinese vampire wielding a ninja-Garou chaingun?
Not sure what his character will be.
Italian Hindu ventrue wizard... hmmm....
Taking True Faith?
I'm really surprised no one has mentioned True Brujah. I mean damn.
Story sounds nice, Gid. I'm slightly reluctant to grant the hindu-specific eastern magic kill-all-humans discipline. Then again, not like the opportunity presents itself that often. When I think of making characters, I want the kind that I could present to a community of other gamers and find acceptance and awe at my awesomeness. Maybe that's silly, but it's always in the back of my mind. Since we are playing a dead game and playing it for the first time, to hell with it.
Still, there always needs to be some legitimacy to things. Your Italian scholar converted to hinduism. Possible, but not likely through a very persuasive argument. I'd imagine something like that would take time. Immersion in the culture, something traumatic or wonderful happening, and some powerful tutelage could do the trick.
Think about that a little, we have some time still. Oh, and please point me to the book(s) you are looking at for these things. I noticed their is a Muslim supplement too. Kinda cool. Maybe we can play an all something else game sometime if this works out. Just rotate GMs every now and then. Tertius did get around, after all. Be fun to bring in other characters or their sires too. I really don't see a reason not to go all out on it, at least after we have some real honest story behind us. Right now, the smaller the better. Anyone making a Chinese vampire wielding a ninja-Garou chaingun?
for the indian character gideon, ravonos would likely be one of the more appropriate, as they controlled most of india. to my knowledge the ventrue primarily came in with the expansion of the british empire, though there might have been a few ancient ventrue hanging aout there (as with any location really). story sounds cool and like it will blend well with the setting. and its good to have a sailor.
the tzimice will also be interesting. where are you pulling the kuldonism from? there are like 8 versions of it in print...
not sure what haley has planned.
the assamite templar would likely be a better choice paul, if you want to live anyway.
i am playing a male, from the peasant class, probably from france or germany. not sure beyond that (i rolled dice to determine sex, while i had already determined that i would play a peasant. i will probably randomly determine clan as well, but the premise is that i was embraced as a bet/joke/test/experiment by some powerful elder(s) and am watched from afar. i was thinking one of the high clans, ventrue/lasombra maybe, but not sure yet)
as far as i remember from the 1300's:
salubri were in their last stages of being killed off, and the tremere were securing their place in the nacent camarilla while chantry's were becoming powerful, fortified monstrosities.
toreador didnt change that much, and maintained a place of opulant decadence while letting other clans do useful things.
ventrue were still playing politics and trying not to colapse as the anarch revolt kicked their, and the lasombra's, asses.
brujah first started to really take a turn towards what they would become with the anarch revolt and the decay of the old order, though they wouldn't really see full degeneration until industrial era.
ravnos was still primarily in india, but saw a decent amount of expansion, especially with the expanded travel of the crusades, then the renaissance and the emerging middle/merchant class.
assamites were still kicking european and setite vampire ass.
thats all i can think of right now, but there is an adventure in a castle involving a bunch of golcanda seeking elders that chris should look at. can't remember the name of it, but i will find it when i get home.
the tzimice will also be interesting. where are you pulling the kuldonism from? there are like 8 versions of it in print...
not sure what haley has planned.
the assamite templar would likely be a better choice paul, if you want to live anyway.
i am playing a male, from the peasant class, probably from france or germany. not sure beyond that (i rolled dice to determine sex, while i had already determined that i would play a peasant. i will probably randomly determine clan as well, but the premise is that i was embraced as a bet/joke/test/experiment by some powerful elder(s) and am watched from afar. i was thinking one of the high clans, ventrue/lasombra maybe, but not sure yet)
as far as i remember from the 1300's:
salubri were in their last stages of being killed off, and the tremere were securing their place in the nacent camarilla while chantry's were becoming powerful, fortified monstrosities.
toreador didnt change that much, and maintained a place of opulant decadence while letting other clans do useful things.
ventrue were still playing politics and trying not to colapse as the anarch revolt kicked their, and the lasombra's, asses.
brujah first started to really take a turn towards what they would become with the anarch revolt and the decay of the old order, though they wouldn't really see full degeneration until industrial era.
ravnos was still primarily in india, but saw a decent amount of expansion, especially with the expanded travel of the crusades, then the renaissance and the emerging middle/merchant class.
assamites were still kicking european and setite vampire ass.
thats all i can think of right now, but there is an adventure in a castle involving a bunch of golcanda seeking elders that chris should look at. can't remember the name of it, but i will find it when i get home.
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

i thought gid's idea was to convert after the embrace, not before...
i did think about TBrujah, but since i just played emmy, i didn't want to play another brujaheador.
winds of the east/wolves of the sea are both great supplements to read for other areas. i think ashen knight and jerusalem by night might have some stuff. the magic stuff is in one of the thaum books, blood magic-secrets of thaumaturgy, or the thaumaturgy companion.
i did think about TBrujah, but since i just played emmy, i didn't want to play another brujaheador.
winds of the east/wolves of the sea are both great supplements to read for other areas. i think ashen knight and jerusalem by night might have some stuff. the magic stuff is in one of the thaum books, blood magic-secrets of thaumaturgy, or the thaumaturgy companion.
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

it actually occured to me after my post that brujah makes a lot more sense then ventrue does. If Bart is 7th gen, then Prajap could be Tertius' childe. His background is rather vague, and the whole 'scholar-warrior-king' was very interesting to play as an NPC. In his background, I don't recall stating that he never fathered a childe, but he did travel through that region on more than one occasion, and his library included the hindu thaum variant.
Now, the only really unique game breaking thing that the hindu thaum had was that at 5th dot you can determine what happens to someone when they die, if they become a wraith, reincarnate and become a vampire, a werewolf, not, or if they become a kuei jin. This breaks the game when you ensure that you and all your friends become kuei jin and then have a dawn party. 'course that costs a perma will each but hey, it breaks the game.
Another path in the hindu only group is based on yoga, and allows teleportation. if you allow that, then I would be very happy, but it's really just another variation on an existing tremere path.
I think that being embraced and told that it's 'shiva's gift' could be sufficiently life restarting to warrant a conversion to hinduism.
Other than nifty lineage and an excuse to be a brujah from india, being tertius grandchilde should have no further benefits. During this period, Tertius was making his journey to the east and seeking the path of self focus. Titus would have been in europe stirring up trouble for the salubri, and trying to see to it both that they fall and are wiped out, and the tertius finds out about it once its over, but not before.
dunno if you want to allow super duper npc's from my game into the background of your game, but since they were interesting forces and active during this time (well, titus was, tertius was wandering around in northern india and china) I think it might be neat. Also could feed into a later tie in with claudius, who knows tertius, and 700 year aged characters in The Summer Game. (men age like wine, women age like milk.)
I definitely feel that, with or without the hindu-thaum, I like this character, and I like him as a brujah better than a ventrue.
Can I get an approval on that?
Now, the only really unique game breaking thing that the hindu thaum had was that at 5th dot you can determine what happens to someone when they die, if they become a wraith, reincarnate and become a vampire, a werewolf, not, or if they become a kuei jin. This breaks the game when you ensure that you and all your friends become kuei jin and then have a dawn party. 'course that costs a perma will each but hey, it breaks the game.
Another path in the hindu only group is based on yoga, and allows teleportation. if you allow that, then I would be very happy, but it's really just another variation on an existing tremere path.
I think that being embraced and told that it's 'shiva's gift' could be sufficiently life restarting to warrant a conversion to hinduism.
Other than nifty lineage and an excuse to be a brujah from india, being tertius grandchilde should have no further benefits. During this period, Tertius was making his journey to the east and seeking the path of self focus. Titus would have been in europe stirring up trouble for the salubri, and trying to see to it both that they fall and are wiped out, and the tertius finds out about it once its over, but not before.
dunno if you want to allow super duper npc's from my game into the background of your game, but since they were interesting forces and active during this time (well, titus was, tertius was wandering around in northern india and china) I think it might be neat. Also could feed into a later tie in with claudius, who knows tertius, and 700 year aged characters in The Summer Game. (men age like wine, women age like milk.)
I definitely feel that, with or without the hindu-thaum, I like this character, and I like him as a brujah better than a ventrue.
Can I get an approval on that?
The two main ones that I know of are printed in the Guide to the High Clans and in Blood Magic: The Secrets of Thaumaturgy. The former has a lot more rituals in it than the later does, though I think the second modern thaum supplement added a few more.rydi wrote:where are you pulling the kuldonism from? there are like 8 versions of it in print...