This summer there will be another large Live Action Vampire game. Details are currently in flux, but I will throw out the basic information so people can start contemplating things.
Games will occur every two weeks, starting at the beginning of June. Location will either be Mikes, Haley's parents, or a combination of the two. Start time will be 8-9pm, and games will end at 2am at the latest. Consent forms will need to be signed as normal.
Ideally, the game will be played during the Summer bi-weekly, and will have a Fall, Winter, and Spring session as well. The game is structured in such a manner as to allow play to continue indefinitely, with each session representing a year of in-game time. Thus, one year of game play should result in the passage of a decade of in-game time.
The setting is an unnamed city on the northwestern coast of the United States, at the start of the roaring 20's. This city has, until recently, been off limits to kindred, and now that the supernatural threat that barred them entry has left, the various factions of kindred are sending in individuals to stake claims and develop the city.
The rules for the game are primarily Vampire: Requiem rules, but also blend elements of Masquerade. Primary changes involve clan/bloodline selection, merits, and setting flavor. The variant rules that will be used are listed here ... nciliation
These rules are currently incomplete, though by the end of May they will hopefully be close to finished. Some setting specific rules addendums follow:
Character Creation
1: Characters gain 35 experience points to spend after basic character creation.
2: Characters start with blood potency 2 for free. This may be increased to BP 3 at the cost of 3 merit points. Characters may begin at BP 1, gaining 3 merits in the process, but doing so indicates that the character is Caitiff (weak blood, not a part of a bloodline; see #4).
3: Status, Influence, Haven, and most other social/property merits cannot be purchased at character creation (since everyone is new to the city, everyone is on equal footing), nor can they be purchased with experience. They are earned in game, freeing up experience to be spent elsewhere. Resources may be purchased if so desired.
4: Characters automatically begin as part of a bloodline, as long as they have blood potency 2+. Clans are selected as per Requiem rules (though they are now referred to as Lineages), but bloodlines vary from those listed in the Requiem setting. Bloodlines follow the Reconciliation rules linked above, and represent the 13 clans from Vampire: The Masquerade. They gain a 4th discipline, and a bloodline flaw. The full list of bloodlines/disciplines will be listed in the next post, for convenience until the full Reconciliation rules are posted.
5: Each of the great bloodlines (the 13 clans from Masquerade) also has access to a Refined discipline. This 5th discipline requires they have a dot in a specific in-clan/bloodline discipline, and learn each dot from someone in their bloodline. The concept of a Refined discipline was added to increase versatility, represent the unique functions of many of the older Masquerade disciplines, and to add a "bloodlines matter" feel to the game (since kindred must learn Refined disciplines from those of their bloodline, it forces interaction at the bloodline level, not just the covenant level).
6: Variant Morality paths other than humanity are available. Characters can only begin play on a variant path with Storyteller approval; most paths of enlightenment should be gained during the course of play. The paths replace the hierarchy of sins found in Requiem with those of the appropriate Masquerade path, using the rules for changing morality found in Hunter: The Vigil.
Odds and ends that didn't fit elsewhere (more will be added as questions arise):
1: Costume is optional, but preferred. Part of the fun of playing in a game set in the past, and moving it forward through time, is being able to play dress up and get into the time period. If you don't have period appropriate garb, don't fret too much though. The goal is to get into the feel, not be totally accurate.
2: Have short term and long term goals for your characters. Do you want to find a nice house to make a haven out of? Do you want to be the go-to person for transportation in the city by the end of 10 years? Both types of goals are important; they form the basis of a real, 3-dimensional character, and they provide action in the story as characters attempt to obtain their goals. We've set up a system to manage such things (most of which we will be kept amongst the gm's so as to prevent meta-game manipulation and unfair advantage) that will hopefully keep people on an even footing and be fun for everyone.
Moderator: Summer Game Masters
General Info
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

For ease of reference, though it is listed elsewhere, I will remind people that refined disciplines (the discipline in brackets) requires at least 1 dot in the discipline listed in parenthesis, and can only be learned if the character has a mentor from their bloodline or clan status, but otherwise is functionally a 5th 'in-clan' discipline.
Lineage 1, Irad’s Line (Clan Ventrue)
Disciplines: Dominate, Vigor, Resilience, Cattiveria (B:tC 71-74) [R-(Cattiveria) Essentiaphagia (Ordo Dracul, 179)]
Weakness: Painful Bite (B:tH 107); clan weakness is focused around relationships, lust, betrayal, paraphilias
Disciplines: Dominate, Vigor, Resilience, Obtenebration (bloodlines:the hidden 64-67), [R-(Obtenebration) Ars Speculorum, (Mythologies 102-104)]
Weakness: hollow (mekhet 113-116); clan weakness is focused around meaning, spiritual matters, darkness, reflections, sometimes paranoia
Disciplines: Dominate, Majesty, Resilience, Kamen (Invictus 199-202), [R-(Kamen) Courtousie (Invictus 189-192)]
Weakness: Preferential Obsession-Severe (Ventrue, 109); clan weakness is focused on power, megalomania, paranoia, weakness
Lineage 2, Enoch’s Line (Clan Mekhet)
Disciplines: Auspex, Obfuscate, Resilience, Eupraxia (ordo dracul, 184), [R-(Eupraxia) Crochan (b:tL 20-22)]
Weakness: ?
Disciplines: Auspex, Majesty, Obfuscate, Zagovny, [R-(Majesty) Perfidy (invictus 196-199)]
Weakness: Enhanced fear of sunlight (B:tH 60)
Lineage 3, Zillah’s Line (Clan Daeva)
Disciplines: Celerity, Majesty, Resilience, Vigor, [R-(Celerity) Serendipity (Carthians, 188-191)]
Weakness: Childer of Troile - Rage (B:tH 117); Childer of Brujah - Deadened Emotion (B:tC 88)
Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Majesty, Vigor, [R-(Majesty) Xinyao (B:tC 101)]
Weakness: Artistic Obsession (V:TR Toreador bloodline flaw)
Lineages 4-5, Lillith’s Progeny
(Clan Gangrel)
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Protean, Resilience, [R-(Protean) Spiritus Sancti (B:tA 132-136)]
Weakness: Animal features (Circle of the Crone 170-171)
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Resilience, Licencieux (B:tC 43-45), [R-(Licencieux) Sunnikuse (B:tH 43-47)]
Weakness: The blood of the Ravnos rebels against "settling", urging them to change and grow. When they settle in a domain, they become weaker in that domain (B:tL 13)
(Clan Nosferatu)
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Vigor, Nightmares, [R-(Nightmares) Phagia (B:tC 52-54)]
Weakness: It costs an extra vitae for a Nosferatu to wake in the evening if they wish to control the effects their beast has on their flesh. They may choose not to pay the extra blood, but if they do so, they become hideous, a monstrous breach of the masquerade, until the following night. Nosferatu that continuously refuse to spend extra vitae that wish to regain a normal appearance must pay the extra blood for a number of nights equal to the time they went without paying the extra cost.
Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Vigor, The Show (B:tL 34-37), [R-(The Show) Taurobolium (B:tL60-63)]; Old Tzimice replace unique disciplines with Tenure (Invictus 202-206) and [R-(Tenure) Domus (Invictus, 192-196)]
Weakness: Meditative Isolation (Ordo Dracul, 168); Old Tzimice - Tied to the Land (Invictus, 161)
Lineage 1, Irad’s Line (Clan Ventrue)
Disciplines: Dominate, Vigor, Resilience, Cattiveria (B:tC 71-74) [R-(Cattiveria) Essentiaphagia (Ordo Dracul, 179)]
Weakness: Painful Bite (B:tH 107); clan weakness is focused around relationships, lust, betrayal, paraphilias
Disciplines: Dominate, Vigor, Resilience, Obtenebration (bloodlines:the hidden 64-67), [R-(Obtenebration) Ars Speculorum, (Mythologies 102-104)]
Weakness: hollow (mekhet 113-116); clan weakness is focused around meaning, spiritual matters, darkness, reflections, sometimes paranoia
Disciplines: Dominate, Majesty, Resilience, Kamen (Invictus 199-202), [R-(Kamen) Courtousie (Invictus 189-192)]
Weakness: Preferential Obsession-Severe (Ventrue, 109); clan weakness is focused on power, megalomania, paranoia, weakness
Lineage 2, Enoch’s Line (Clan Mekhet)
Disciplines: Auspex, Obfuscate, Resilience, Eupraxia (ordo dracul, 184), [R-(Eupraxia) Crochan (b:tL 20-22)]
Weakness: ?
Disciplines: Auspex, Majesty, Obfuscate, Zagovny, [R-(Majesty) Perfidy (invictus 196-199)]
Weakness: Enhanced fear of sunlight (B:tH 60)
Lineage 3, Zillah’s Line (Clan Daeva)
Disciplines: Celerity, Majesty, Resilience, Vigor, [R-(Celerity) Serendipity (Carthians, 188-191)]
Weakness: Childer of Troile - Rage (B:tH 117); Childer of Brujah - Deadened Emotion (B:tC 88)
Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Majesty, Vigor, [R-(Majesty) Xinyao (B:tC 101)]
Weakness: Artistic Obsession (V:TR Toreador bloodline flaw)
Lineages 4-5, Lillith’s Progeny
(Clan Gangrel)
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Protean, Resilience, [R-(Protean) Spiritus Sancti (B:tA 132-136)]
Weakness: Animal features (Circle of the Crone 170-171)
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Resilience, Licencieux (B:tC 43-45), [R-(Licencieux) Sunnikuse (B:tH 43-47)]
Weakness: The blood of the Ravnos rebels against "settling", urging them to change and grow. When they settle in a domain, they become weaker in that domain (B:tL 13)
(Clan Nosferatu)
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Vigor, Nightmares, [R-(Nightmares) Phagia (B:tC 52-54)]
Weakness: It costs an extra vitae for a Nosferatu to wake in the evening if they wish to control the effects their beast has on their flesh. They may choose not to pay the extra blood, but if they do so, they become hideous, a monstrous breach of the masquerade, until the following night. Nosferatu that continuously refuse to spend extra vitae that wish to regain a normal appearance must pay the extra blood for a number of nights equal to the time they went without paying the extra cost.
Disciplines: Animalism, Auspex, Vigor, The Show (B:tL 34-37), [R-(The Show) Taurobolium (B:tL60-63)]; Old Tzimice replace unique disciplines with Tenure (Invictus 202-206) and [R-(Tenure) Domus (Invictus, 192-196)]
Weakness: Meditative Isolation (Ordo Dracul, 168); Old Tzimice - Tied to the Land (Invictus, 161)
Last edited by rydi on Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

An incomplete list (hopefully done by the end of May): ... :Covenants
Basically they are the same as shown in Requiem, but with some story elements added in, and some details on Morality Paths.
An incomplete list (hopefully done by the end of May): ... :Covenants
Basically they are the same as shown in Requiem, but with some story elements added in, and some details on Morality Paths.
Threading the Gerbil since 1982