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Рекомендую посетить сайт реальные знакомства Сайт входит в единый сервис знакомств, колоссально знаменитый в России , странах СНГ и Европе. Заходите, регистрируйтесь - здесь вас ожидают приятные знакомства, романтические встречи и настоящая дружба!!!
Ah, my first ban...I recommend to visit the site real dating site is a single dating service, immensely famous in Russia, CIS and Europe. Come in, register - here you can enjoy a pleasant acquaintance, romantic meetings and true friendship!
Avilister can ban the IP address as well, I'm not sure how to find that.
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

Mazeltovrydi wrote:Ah, my first ban...I recommend to visit the site real dating site is a single dating service, immensely famous in Russia, CIS and Europe. Come in, register - here you can enjoy a pleasant acquaintance, romantic meetings and true friendship!
Avilister can ban the IP address as well, I'm not sure how to find that.