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Feng Shui: Open Game, July 18th
As stated above, there will be a game on the 18th. This is a one shot, though it is possible that it could form a series of one shots if people are entertained.
Electronics are unwelcome! So, this means that I would like to have people focused on the game itself, not whatever other game they are playing on their laptops, cellphones, or Gameboys. You are free to use them for reference, but I would like to avoid web surfing and general distraction, as I feel that the prevalence of these devices has heavily reduced player interaction in games. Character sheets will be provided to reduce the need for electronic tracking.
The character creation is simple, and hopefully will not take more than 20min or so. We are using primarily the main book, though a few archetypes from Seeds of the New Flesh and Back for Seconds are allowed, as well as a few things listed below from Golden Comeback. Archetypes allowed are as follows, with specific modifications noted beside them. No skill may go higher than 16. I am making the "lesser" archetypes slightly more appealing by giving them a few more abilities, in hopes of creating more variety in the party. People should endeavor to avoid taking the same exact Schtick selections, as variety is the spice of this game.
>Big Bruiser: Increase all skill maxes by 1; May take either Shattering Blow, Tougher Than Leather, or Immutable Self from the Stat Schticks on pg. 64 of Golden Comeback.
>Consumer on the Brink: Add a second Irritant.
>Everyman Hero: May add a single Auxiliary Schtick from the list starting on pg. 103 of Golden Comeback.
>Ex-Special Forces: Martial Arts and Guns both max at 14.
>Gambler: Max on Martial Arts increases to 13; May add 2 Auxiliary Schticks from the list starting on pg. 103 of Golden Comeback.
>Karate Cop: Gain 1 Fu shctick; May add a single Auxiliary Schtick from the list starting on pg. 103 of Golden Comeback.
>Killer: As listed
>Martial Artist: As listed
>Maverick Cop: May add a single Auxiliary Schtick from the list starting on pg. 103 of Golden Comeback.
>Medic: Add one of the two Medic Schticks listed on pg.101 of Golden Comeback; Add the Everyday Hero Schtick from Back for Seconds pg. 19. This acts exactly as the Everyman Hero unique ability, with the following change: "gain +1 AV on attacks made using medical knowledge creatively".
>Ninja: Add 3 additional Fu Schticks.
>Old Master: Add 1 Info Skill of choice, and should be appropriately trivial (Info/Jeopardy and Info/Romance Novels for example).
>Private Investigator: Add 1 Gun or Fu Schtick; add 1 Auxiliary Schtick.
>Scrappy Kid: As listed
>Spy: Add "Right Place, Right Time" from Golden Comeback, pg.102; May add 2 Auxiliary Schticks from the list starting on pg. 103 of Golden Comeback.
>Uber-kid: Add 1 Fu Schtick.
Only characters that have Signature Weapons will begin the game with them weapons, but weapon choices should still be made, as they will become available as the game progresses.
Schticks should come from the main book, except as otherwise stated above.
People can feel free to post ideas. Please include some kind of interesting hook, though I will add some for you as well.
Electronics are unwelcome! So, this means that I would like to have people focused on the game itself, not whatever other game they are playing on their laptops, cellphones, or Gameboys. You are free to use them for reference, but I would like to avoid web surfing and general distraction, as I feel that the prevalence of these devices has heavily reduced player interaction in games. Character sheets will be provided to reduce the need for electronic tracking.
The character creation is simple, and hopefully will not take more than 20min or so. We are using primarily the main book, though a few archetypes from Seeds of the New Flesh and Back for Seconds are allowed, as well as a few things listed below from Golden Comeback. Archetypes allowed are as follows, with specific modifications noted beside them. No skill may go higher than 16. I am making the "lesser" archetypes slightly more appealing by giving them a few more abilities, in hopes of creating more variety in the party. People should endeavor to avoid taking the same exact Schtick selections, as variety is the spice of this game.
>Big Bruiser: Increase all skill maxes by 1; May take either Shattering Blow, Tougher Than Leather, or Immutable Self from the Stat Schticks on pg. 64 of Golden Comeback.
>Consumer on the Brink: Add a second Irritant.
>Everyman Hero: May add a single Auxiliary Schtick from the list starting on pg. 103 of Golden Comeback.
>Ex-Special Forces: Martial Arts and Guns both max at 14.
>Gambler: Max on Martial Arts increases to 13; May add 2 Auxiliary Schticks from the list starting on pg. 103 of Golden Comeback.
>Karate Cop: Gain 1 Fu shctick; May add a single Auxiliary Schtick from the list starting on pg. 103 of Golden Comeback.
>Killer: As listed
>Martial Artist: As listed
>Maverick Cop: May add a single Auxiliary Schtick from the list starting on pg. 103 of Golden Comeback.
>Medic: Add one of the two Medic Schticks listed on pg.101 of Golden Comeback; Add the Everyday Hero Schtick from Back for Seconds pg. 19. This acts exactly as the Everyman Hero unique ability, with the following change: "gain +1 AV on attacks made using medical knowledge creatively".
>Ninja: Add 3 additional Fu Schticks.
>Old Master: Add 1 Info Skill of choice, and should be appropriately trivial (Info/Jeopardy and Info/Romance Novels for example).
>Private Investigator: Add 1 Gun or Fu Schtick; add 1 Auxiliary Schtick.
>Scrappy Kid: As listed
>Spy: Add "Right Place, Right Time" from Golden Comeback, pg.102; May add 2 Auxiliary Schticks from the list starting on pg. 103 of Golden Comeback.
>Uber-kid: Add 1 Fu Schtick.
Only characters that have Signature Weapons will begin the game with them weapons, but weapon choices should still be made, as they will become available as the game progresses.
Schticks should come from the main book, except as otherwise stated above.
People can feel free to post ideas. Please include some kind of interesting hook, though I will add some for you as well.
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

- Liquidprism
- Lost Soul
- Posts: 1509
- Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:40 pm
- Location: Behind You...
you need to give the Martial Artist more schticks. They only get 3 schticks to start. Its already lame for them, but after giving all that stuff to the other types, it would really blow to play one.
All things in moderation...Except syrup.
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More on the setting:
All of you are travelers. Just going about your business. Some of you may know each other, or be traveling together, but all of you, for whatever reason, are going through the Dubai International Airport.
This airport is in the United Arab Emirates, and is one of the busiest, and richest, in the world (scroll through the wiki article, and look at all the pics).
The premise of the game is that the airport is taken hostage, and you are the heroes that turn the tables on the terrorists. Think Die Hard 1/2. All of you will meet in the first scene, and come together to thwart the bad guy's evil schemes. But of course, there is more than meets the eye in this action flick...
Anyway. If you are playing, feel free to post an archetype and make a friend or two with the other pc's, and work out how you know each other. Or not. You can be a loner if you like. Or I can work it out for you (though it helps to know archetypes of course).
All of you are travelers. Just going about your business. Some of you may know each other, or be traveling together, but all of you, for whatever reason, are going through the Dubai International Airport.
This airport is in the United Arab Emirates, and is one of the busiest, and richest, in the world (scroll through the wiki article, and look at all the pics).
The premise of the game is that the airport is taken hostage, and you are the heroes that turn the tables on the terrorists. Think Die Hard 1/2. All of you will meet in the first scene, and come together to thwart the bad guy's evil schemes. But of course, there is more than meets the eye in this action flick...
Anyway. If you are playing, feel free to post an archetype and make a friend or two with the other pc's, and work out how you know each other. Or not. You can be a loner if you like. Or I can work it out for you (though it helps to know archetypes of course).
Threading the Gerbil since 1982

I will tentatively take the Karate Cop for this game, so I"ll need a ride.
Last edited by Rusty on Sat Jul 11, 2009 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.